Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Of course , nature is bound to punish the professionally incompetent hedgehog .
32 He also claims that negligence finding was made without evidence being led demonstrating the manner in which he did not reach the professionally required standard of care .
33 The compromise between the professionally interested parties , the outsiders and the ‘ Barons ’ , was arrived at by , on the one hand , removing the numerical ceiling which operated previously , to the detriment of the large firms , but also , by placing a limitation on these same firms , preventing them from flooding the rota with in experienced staff .
34 To others , for whom the signals of the year are equally important , progress is marked by that dramatic change in the lifestyle of the jays , the feathered brigands of many splendoured tints who are , for most of the year , the vocally irritable members of the crow family , shrieking at each other and at any intruder in their territory .
35 At one side the Reverend James MacDiarmid was standing in his dark clothes with the conspicuously expressionless demeanour of an undertaker 's mute .
36 There are too few conduits between the methodologically sophisticated humanities scholar and potential sources of funding .
37 I was glad the well had been Christianized , as Michael Quirke himself could scarcely go on his knees and pray to the rascally old gods he so admired .
38 Population : 1,566,000 ( 0.5% of USSR total ) ; Registered electorate : 299,681 ( registration was organized in the predominantly Russian towns in the north-east ) ; Turnout : 74.2% ; Yes : 95% ; No : 4.5% .
39 However , low turnouts were reported in the predominantly Russian Vilnius suburb of Novaya Vilnya , and in the predominantly Polish rural district of Salcininkai .
40 The report singled out three recent incidents : a demonstration in Kishinev ( the capital ) on Jan. 8 , when a funeral procession for a Moldavian youth who had died in suspicious circumstances had turned into a rally by up to 10,000 people protesting against Soviet and communist rule , and fights had ensued between rival gangs of Moldavian and Russian youths ; a picket of the district Moldavian CP committee building in the town of Chadyr Lunga by members of the Gagauz minority demanding creation of their own autonomous republic ; and a referendum on Jan. 28 called by the city soviet in Tiraspol , Moldavia 's second largest city , in which the predominantly Russian population had voted overwhelmingly ( over 96 per cent of a 92 per cent poll ) to declare greater autonomy for the Tiraspol district and to support the possible declaration of Tiraspol and neighbouring Russian-populated towns as an autonomous republic ( Tiraspol had been one of the main centres of strikes by Moldavia 's Russian and Ukrainian population in August-September 1989 against greater Moldavian language rights — see pp. 36855 ; 36898 ) .
41 The presidential elections were partially boycotted in the predominantly Russian area of the Dnestr region , which had held its own presidential elections on Dec. 1 , together with a referendum on independence for the region .
42 The Resettlement Administration ( RA ) attempted to aid destitute farmers trying to scratch a living from exhausted land , as well as the predominantly black sharecroppers of the South .
43 Prior to the conclusion of the Bensonhurst trial , in the early hours of May 13 a gang in the predominantly black neighbourhood of Brooklyn assaulted three Vietnamese men , one of whom suffered a fractured skull .
44 In other parts of Britain such ideas were more difficult to put across except to relatively small minorities or in the predominantly proletarian areas of central Scotland where miners , engineers and shipbuilders also constituted the majority of wage earners .
45 Although most of the deaths resulted from uncontrolled fighting between hostel-dwelling supporters of the predominantly Zulu Inkatha movement and ANC-supporting township residents , there were repeated reports of police assistance to , or connivance in , Inkatha attacks .
46 A special general conference of the predominantly Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party on Dec. 9 confirmed Mangosuthu Buthelezi as leader , and resolved to co-operate with other parties in working for a non-racial multiparty democracy .
47 He also told a press conference that Sisulu and the other former prisoners , on their return to South Africa , were to make a " direct intervention " in the " fratricidal strife " in Natal ; several hundred people had died there as supporters of the United Democratic Front clashed repeatedly with members of Inkatha , the predominantly Zulu organization led by Chief Mangosuthu ( Gatsha ) Buthelezi .
48 The upsurge in violence was partly attributed to the unbanning of the ANC , and its implications for the ANC 's rival , the predominantly Zulu movement Inkatha .
49 The predominantly middle-class character of the suburbs and the commuting population was to have important social consequences .
50 If students were not to share the cost of tuition fees as well , the system would continue to transfer resources from the average taxpayer to the predominantly middle-class student body .
51 The policy , which aimed to reserve 27 per cent of public-sector jobs for members of the lower castes , provoked caste-based violence across northern India ( although it received a large measure of support in the predominantly low-caste south ) and provided an issue around which Singh 's opponents within the Janata Dal could coalesce .
52 The Sixth Formers did however succeed in carrying the motion that " The female species is superior " at the predominantly male Debating and Literary Society .
53 ‘ The problem of women is all that is marvellous and troubling in the world ’ sighed Andre Breton in the second Surrealist manifesto of 1929 ; and just as the predominantly male membership saw woman as their muse , the fueller of their fantasies and liberators of their imaginations , so they used her body as a vessel and vehicle for their wildest and often dark plumbings of the subconscious .
54 In this tradition the centre of authority in a family lies with the males rather than the females , although in the predominantly agricultural society in which Hinduism persisted and developed in India , women 's importance in the family economy has always been considerable .
55 As we noted in Chapter 2 , James Caird , writing in 1878 , drew attention to the differences between the agriculture practised in the predominantly pastoral North and West of England and that in the mainly arable South and East , a division which affected the organization and conditions of village life in the two regions .
56 On May 12 , members of the Parachute Regiment were alleged to have assaulted staff and customers in several public houses in the predominantly nationalist town , apparently in revenge for an earlier IRA bomb in the area which had injured a colleague .
57 For the first time Unionists may have no representative on the predominantly Catholic West Bank .
58 A former Portuguese colony , the predominantly Catholic East Timor was forcibly incorporated into Indonesia in 1976 [ see pp. 27906-07 ] , and closed to the outside world for 13 years , during which time some 200,000 Timorese were killed or died of starvation , according to human rights groups .
59 Here are ranged such organizations as the National Association of Language in Education Centres ( NALEC , 1985 ) on the one hand , whose membership commands direct access through professional development teachers and initial training lectures to classroom teachers and who take the predominantly phenomenological approach to language of ‘ reading through real books ’ .
60 The Blue Guide too was encouraging : ‘ The predominantly mountainous region south of Sparta is seldom visited by foreign tourists … superb scenery and unexpected traces of the past . ’
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