Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Two separate major rebellions were centred in the predominantly Shia southern provinces of Iraq and in the Kurdish northern provinces .
2 The roundup was centred on the predominantly Shia Moslem Bnaid al-Gar district and communist and fundamentalist Shia opposition figures were particularly targeted .
3 The composition of the Sunni-dominated IJC had been broadened on June 18 when the predominantly Shia Moslem Wahdat-i-Islami , a coalition of eight Iranian-backed parties previously excluded from power , was given eight seats and control of three government ministries , including that of National Security .
4 The lack of social contact between the predominantly local working class and the predominantly newcomer middle class can be particularly marked .
5 Far from encouraging a re-examination of Soviet stakes in the area , a full rendering of costs ( and , most important , alternatives ) is likely to confirm them : if , as one expert has calculated , the ‘ cost of the Soviet Empire ’ amounts to some 14 per cent of Soviet defence expenditure , it could be the most cost effective component of the Soviet defence effort .
6 The NRA claims the scheme is the most cost effective way to protect low-lying land .
7 Patel has recently calculated that vitamin A supplementation is among the most cost effective interventions in developing countries , with a cost of around $ 95 per life saved , compared with $ 230 for oral rehydration and $ 850 for measles vaccination .
8 The specialty reviews , for example , have to assess current and projected needs , define criteria for tertiary services , and advise on the most cost effective and clinically effective locations — all by the end of May .
9 Of the two the former is still the most common and often the most cost effective .
10 A new garage is one of the most cost effective of all home improvements and can add 10 to 15 per cent to the value of your home .
11 The most cost effective of all these steps .
12 How can a manufacturer pick the most cost effective retail company to use to target his wares most successfully on his chosen market segments ?
13 LASMO Trading Limited is responsible for optimising the Group 's price realisations in the most cost effective manner from offices in London , Singapore and Houston .
14 Within the TSB system , models are available to help managers : test the effect on manpower of changes in systems and working methods ; evaluate the effects of changes such as alteration in hours of work , holiday entitlement , sickness patterns and incidence of training ; test the effect of changes in personnel policies such as recruitment , promotion , retirement , grading , career development ; analyse wastage and evaluate its likely effect on staffing : plan recruitment and training in the most cost effective way .
15 His research focused on poly-crystalline diamond compact ( PDC ) drill bits , which have proved to be the most cost effective for the deep , interbedded Colombian wells .
16 The pupils found that new seating would be the most cost effective answer and Miss Hall was so impressed with their research that the old seating was replaced .
17 On a large contract one of the most cost effective methods of calculating the total cost of disruption is to use a computer .
18 While faecal occult blood testing is likely to prove the most cost effective method of screening large populations , genetic tests could initially be targeted at selected high risk groups .
19 In economic terms , sclerotherapy was clearly the most cost effective treatment .
20 5.9.10 Within [ 28 ] days of any assignment charge underlease or sub-underlease or any transmission or other devolution relating to the Premises to produce for registration with the Landlord 's solicitor such deed or document [ or a certified copy of it ] and to pay the Landlord 's solicitor 's [ charges of [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] for the registration of every such document or reasonable charges for the registration of every such document such charges not being less than [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] ] [ 5.9.11 Notwithstanding clause 5.9.1 the Tenant may share the occupation of the whole or any part of the Premises with a company which is a member of the same group as the Tenant ( within the meaning of Section 42 of the 1954 Act ) for so long as both companies shall remain members of that group and otherwise than in a manner that transfers or creates a legal estate ] On the one hand , the tenant will wish to deal with the premises in the most cost effective manner , even if this means subletting parts and , on the other hand , the landlord will wish to exercise fairly strict control over alienation , first by ensuring that any assignee is able to pay the rents reserved by the lease and perform the tenant 's obligations under it , and second by ensuring that at the end of the term the landlord is not left with a subtenant of a small part of the premises , which could affect the value of the landlord 's interest in the whole .
21 But he employed the new Italian style in the sacred works which occupied him almost exclusively , so that his secular compositions are few and for the most part negligible .
22 By the early seventeenth century , therefore , foreign offices , in so far as they existed , were still for the most part embryonic .
23 For the most part other trade union leaders of the day accepted that the Federation was an active agent in stirring up trouble for Wilson .
24 Their dark waters , in places only a few hundred yards across , were met by vertically plunging forest , wreathed in mist , and for the most part deathly quiet .
25 Rather , it is to emphasise that their members are in general uninformed about it ; and that even where they are not uninformed , they are for the most part unversed in it .
26 It seems to me that the Dinka language , unlike modern , educated , and for the most part metropolitan English , compels its speakers to integrate the moral and physical attributes of persons together within the physical matrix of the human body .
27 Woodwind intonation is rank at the beginning of the Tristan Prelude and also makes much of the first Lohengrin Prelude a trial ; the Tannhäuser Overture is for the most part glorious , despite short-winded trombones , but like the Shostakovich Tenth Symphony it is marred by low hum on the recording .
28 Although for the most part meditative , the topicality of this exhibition could not be clearer in Rory Donaldson 's photographically transformed Hands Off Our Water poster , an image which figures in the newly-available catalogue for the show .
29 The case studies of school self-evaluation which the Open University has carried out in Oxfordshire and elsewhere suggest that teachers are for the most part ignorant of this literature and of the various research strategies , mainly derived from social science , by which valid and reliable evidence about their professional activities might be gathered and judged .
30 The very freedom which marks the period of childhood gives unrivalled opportunity for picking up all sorts of information about the environment ; the child is not handicapped by attending school and listening to formal instruction which is for the most part unrelated to his interests and needs .
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