Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [coord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ANDES 21 de junio ( Asociacion Nacional de Educadores Salvadorenos ) is a founder member of the BPR and openly expresses its support for the FDR-FMLN , while both the state and the Catholic universities have been consistent critics of the lack of democratic and civil liberties and have argued cogently for the need for social and economic reforms .
2 When Strawalde freed himself of the constraints of narrative painting he became the father of sensuous abstract art in the DDR and now , in his sixties , is finally receiving the international recognition which was denied him before the Wall came down .
3 The latter are especially interesting since they constitute the outer ring of the EEC and also because they have considerably higher standards of living than do the EEC Member States .
4 And in 1961 Britain publicly changed its attitude towards the principle of the EEC and formally applied for membership .
5 For the first few years the work was concerned with the Old Red Sandstone along the southern margin of the Highlands but soon men were stationed at various points around the Grampians , including the Moray Firth area , and were advancing towards the higher ground .
6 The A.835 goes straight forward , crossing the watershed of the Highlands and ultimately arriving at the east coast .
7 In fact , he claims that his flyingboat course was his last in the RAF and certainly the most fortuitous for himself and subsequently the RAF .
8 I am entering the RAF and then the Navy because I believe I can contribute something to this country by so doing .
9 There is a rare Brittany breed which is very similar to the Guernsey and possibly formed the ancestral stock .
10 Known as mamluks ( an Arabic term meaning " owned " ) this army raised in the slave markets of the Caucasus and beyond , took over power in 1250 at a time of Mongol threat from the east .
11 Allegations were subsequently made against Ibrahim Böhme , the SPD leader , who denied ever working for the Stasi or knowingly passing them information .
12 Some 80 km from the Ugandan border , Torit was strategically placed on the land route to Kenya and since 1989 had been a stronghold of the SPLA and latterly of Garang 's Torit faction .
13 However , we hare unhappy that HMG has recently felt unable to support the early conclusion of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty , since we believe — as does the Vatican 's representative at the United Nations — that a halt to nuclear testing is essential to the successful prolongation of the NPT and thus to progress in preventing nuclear proliferation .
14 He had n't yet reached the Lock but there she was , sitting high up in the dunes , on a sandy shelf , half hidden among grasses and brambles .
15 It had taken them ages to get back from the Lock and now the evening was drawing in .
16 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
17 A glance at the careers of nine of the ten Muftis who held the office between 988/1580 and 1031/1622 and whose teaching careers fall in the latter half of the sixteenth century , after the building of the Suleymaniye medreses , will give an idea of the teaching background apparently considered essential to give one a chance of eventual appointment to what had by then become the highest learned office : all nine men taught at the Sahn and subsequently at one of the 60-akce medreses built prior to the building of the Suleymaniye medreses , for example , the Sehzade medrese ; two of the nine then went directly to their first mevleviyet ( early on in the period , in 1566 and 1573 ) , while six taught at one of the Suleymaniye medreses and one at the medrese of the mother of Murad III in Uskudar ( the Atik Valide medrese ) , newer than Suleyman 's medreses , before being appointed to their first mevleviyet .
18 In Suleyman 's time he returned to the medrese stream , teaching as far as the Sahn and then becoming kadi successively in Aleppo , Damascus and Istanbul , in retirement from which last post he died in 963/1555–6 .
19 Andy Partner and Paul Flowers , regular central defenders in the youth team , thus have a chance to impress in the friendly fixture at Chelmsford City on Saturday ( 3 pm kick-off at New Writtle Street ) with a view to being involved in the Cardiff and more especially the Carlisle clash .
20 Whatever might have been the prosaic reason for his initial posting to Masai District , an officer who stayed long enough and had a sufficiently striking personality could expect to become locally famous not only for his love of the Masai but also for the love they bore for him .
21 The Kenya administration in particular included a number of vigorous reformers , most prominent among them R.W. Hemsted and C.E.V. Buxton — both completely wrapped up in the Masai and both determined to bring them , under British supervision , into the twentieth century .
22 But the writer could n't understand the aristocracy of the Vatican and constantly said so .
23 However , it reduces trade barriers between members of the CU and generally stimulates inter-bloc trade and reduces the share of trade with countries which are not in the Union .
24 Would the MEB , one dares to ask , have funded the News-on-Sunday or Today and what criteria would it have used to justify its support ?
25 Essentially a management tool , MINIS was strongly associated with Michael Heseltine who , as Secretary of State for the Environment , introduced MINIS into the DOE and subsequently , as Defence Secretary , into the Ministry of Defence ( MOD ) .
26 The neglect of his appearance had already caused him to be shunned , in the Borinage and elsewhere .
27 The Tominahs and even her uncle seemed to think this behaviour was quite to be expected on an occasion such as this , with so much soul energy flying around .
28 One may use the surface-brightness-diameter ( -D ) relation to estimate the physical diameter of the SNR and hence its distance .
29 You pay your money and you take your choice on the Mackeson and here J A Magrar in the Telegraph idea represents Mackeson value .
30 If such links are not built , schooling will suffer from being not only detached from the lifelong vision of education and retraining which is foreseen by the CBI , the TECs and the NCVQ but also from appearing not to care about continuity , feed-through and quality assurance .
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