Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The PA was the same system The Eurythmics used at Wembley and offered clarity and balance .
2 The Gesta describes in some detail the journey of Peter to Rome to receive the belt , the symbol of the Christian warrior , and the diadem or crown , the symbol of kingship .
3 The red warning lights of The Sandhopper glowed like boiling blood in the blackness .
4 The Daurog moved about their business , eyeing Tallis with the same shivering caution as the evening before .
5 This is a two-disc set comprising Tchaikovsky 's ballet music The Nutcracker and Glazunov 's The seasons performed by the RPO conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy .
6 An active suspension system is designed to keep the McLaren glued to the track by reading the bumps ahead and a radio link enables engineers to tweak the car 's operating systems during the race .
7 Then the Shah persuaded the Carters to see in the New Year at the palace and the Queen sent the Crown Prince into the Library to organize a smaller party .
8 The Hussars drew their sabres to drive the unarmed men back into the river , but French artillery had already closed on the southern bank and , as soon as the Hussars went into the trot , the first roundshot slammed across the water .
9 The second possibility that Nikolaev committed the murder under the guidance of the NKVD seems to be more likely that the first possibility because so many people seem to have conveniently neglected their duties but I still think that it is not the most likely .
10 As the hippies had all but gone the police and the RSPCA pounced on a lorry , inside was a horse which had been badly injured in a road accident .
11 Pigs too were taken to sanctuaries to recover , as the RSPCA worked at the farms for days on end , work which eventually cost the RSPCA £15,000 .
12 The Milanese turned to reconstruction with a will , deciding that everything that could be returned to an ‘ as before ’ condition should be .
13 The NME succumbed to The Smiths success by parading a lengthy Smiths interview by Biba Kopf , a writer not known for his enthusiasm for the Smiths .
14 His forecast for 1985 in the NME led to nothing more than a throwaway : ‘ Disability chic will reign rampantly in 1985 .
15 Logan 's name is now synonymous with publishing success and under his benign and brilliant regime the NME went from strength to strength .
16 Suppose that instead of paying Lockheed , Boeing and General Dynamics $65 billion to build 648 of the new fighters , and thus partly freezing the technology for 20 years , the Pentagon asked for just 72 operational aircraft , plus spares and trainers , and then kept the production line ticking over .
17 Opinion in the Pentagon moved towards the belief that Japan was assuming more importance in global terms and that Japan must remain within the American sphere .
18 The Irish lands of the Joinville descended to Geoffroi 's fifth son , Simon , who served as a ‘ strenuous ’ knight for Edward Il in Scotland ( 1315–22 ) and Aquitaine ( 1324–5 ) and was still being summoned to fight the Scots in May 1335 .
19 But , in 1942 , the Wehrmacht moved into the whole of our country and things changed . ’
20 First mention of the Manor occurs in the Domesday Survey of 1086 ; it later belonged to the Priory of St Andrew , Northampton .
21 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
22 They 'll be able to fish for carp in the estate lake ; view the famous hall with its unique flying staircase … so-called because it has no visible means of support or wander throught the wood that the Lonsdales planted in memory of their son .
23 The Chester traincrew concerned were duly relieved about 11.15 am and hitched a lift onto the LM shed from the station .
24 So why not link them together in a grand Tichka Plateau to Jbel Toubkal trek ? the tantalisingly unknown descent of the Nfis went on our programme ‘ for immediate attention ’ and uniquely , we involved both Mohammed and Aziz in a co-operative venture .
25 The Marmorata built into the rocks
26 The CGT failed in its attempt to separate worker and student contingents .
27 In the meantime the Châtelet kicked off its sumptuous final season , which includes the Pelléas conducted by Boulez ( direct from Cardiff ) and Wozzeck with the team ( salvaged from the first shipwreck at the Bastille ) of Chéreau and Barenboim .
28 The widening of the EEC argued for greater awareness of the European market and the need for both young people and businesses to face the real demands for new skills , greater knowledge of other languages and more mobility in moving throughout other countries .
29 It would only be a matter of time before the strong-willed de Gaulle would seek to reshape the EEC according to his own conceptions .
30 Increasingly , membership of the EEC requires of Britain that she accept the imposition of economic regulation .
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