Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] who made " in BNC.

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1 Of the climbers who made written comment , the majority were in favour of a bolt placement .
2 One of the points that distinguishes Green from many of the artists who made prints of the Lake District at this period was the fact that he was one of the few who prepared and drew on the plates and etched the images himself .
3 The Instruction ( Nakaz ) which Catherine personally drew up for the guidance of the deputies who made up this Commission was a conflation of ideas drawn , with little alteration , from West European writers , particularly Montesquieu and Beccaria .
4 The statesmen who made the settlement could not ignore the pressures this placed upon them : to that extent public opinion was a significant element in the process of peace-making .
5 There was treachery even in the executive branch of William 's government : as Paul Hopkins has shown , Jacobites received constant information from the secretaries ' clerks on warrants and charges against them , and the messengers who made arrests and detained prisoners were often not reliable .
6 Of all the journalists who made the pilgrimage to Dovercourt , the team from the BBC caused the greatest excitement .
7 Mrs Thatcher was cute enough to see the need to cultivate the backbenchers who made up her lobby fodder and the knighthood became once again the reward for wrecked marriages and broken health caused by sitting up all night to vote as the whips instructed .
8 In this he was helped by the clergy who made voluntary contributions to the value of twelve pence in every mark , of the annual value of their benefices .
9 The general social and political advantages of the newly enlarged audiences were obvious but in cultural terms what was really significant as far as the subsequent history of the movies was concerned was that the showmen who made and presented the movies were no longer thinking in terms of a homogeneous or class audience .
10 Instead it was the visitors who made the early running , albeit by the narrowest of margins in the first three games .
11 As last year , though , it was the crews who made the story , in the most wholesome of ways this time .
12 He confirmed that the staff committee would now meet on Thursday night to consider whether to discipline the workers who made the allegations .
13 There was no limitation on the period of service overseas that a man could agree to undertake , and the crown was relieved of the burden of administration : recruiting , mustering and paying the troops were carried out by the officials of the magnates who made the contracts .
14 ‘ Many of the composers who made good on Broadway were Jewish refugees from the 19th-century pogroms in Europe , ’ says Knapp , who is not quite as dry as he might sound .
15 So Scotland coach Andy Roxburgh will surely stick with the midfielders who made mincemeat of the CIS in Norrkoping last July .
16 ‘ It 's not I , but all the lenders who made it work . ’
17 It resembles the pictures of dancers frozen for all time by the potters who made the Greek vases just to display their feats .
18 as if we were the gods who made and left them .
19 In a referendum held on Sept. 8 in Macedonia 75 per cent of the registered electorate of 1,400,000 went to the polls ; they were boycotted by many of the Albanians who made up 25 per cent of the republic 's population .
20 Strength was still predominantly in the counties ; the English counties returned almost half of the parliamentary party , the squires who made Walter Long such a force , and of these 128 MPs over a hundred owned land or lived in the division that they represented , a strong territorial base .
21 Noddy began pursuing everything on four wheels , or two , with such enthusiasm that he soon became a familiar sight to the farmers who made their living along the lane .
22 In his London Shadows Godwin even finds a function for the voyeurs who made it fashionable to tour the slums ‘ and wonder at the peculiarities of that strange land ’ , because ‘ it was partly owing to these visits that some improvements were carried into effect ’ .
23 Surprisingly , it was the Nazis who made a gift of this public park to Prague .
24 As things turned out it was the Americans who made the greatest contribution , drawing heavily on the practice they had adopted in the last few years to incorporate the expertise available from industry and the unions into their CAB ( as they then were ) investigations .
25 The luminaries he 'd entertained over the decades — the defecting dancers and minor spies , the addicted debutantes , the rock stars with Messianic leanings and the bishops who made idols of barrow-boys — they 'd all had their moments of glory , then fallen .
26 One of the myths Eleanor would speak against was the idea that socialists wanted to have women in common , and the men who made these accusations , she said , were the owners of the means of production anyway .
27 Tony does n't expect his navvy to turn many heads , but if it makes just one or two commuters appreciate the courage and dedication of the men who made the Chiltern Line , the effort was worth it .
28 In both cases the artisans who made up a high proportion of the arrested do not appear in the rate-books , suggesting that they were not among those tradesmen who could be considered part of the " middling sort " .
29 " It 's true to say that there was a great deal of discontent in Russia during the reign of Nicholas II , indeed there were things wrong with Russian society that needed reforming badly , whilst the ruling class lived in unabashed luxury the peasants who made up 90 per cent of the population had to be contend with lack of food and primitive living conditions added to this was was a completely ineffective educational system which meant that illiteracy was widespread , thus problems were on a large scale in Russia social reforms were desperately needed , as were political reforms since Russia as an autocratic country suppressed any means of political liberation . "
30 The reading of the children who made those errors would be looked at carefully .
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