Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] of children " in BNC.

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1 Wales notes that great care is needed in making claims about the universality of the forms of children 's pictorial representation .
2 Overall , the attitudes of children in the action schools where all the interventions took place became noticeably more liberal , especially on sex role and occupational stereotypes and the ‘ masculinity ’ of science .
3 Another major difficulty to which Hay draws attention is the effects of secularist conditioning in restricting the horizons of children and young people .
4 Indeed , the reason for the greater frequency of chronic diarrhoea in this study in comparison with others in the United Kingdom , may be partly explained by the subgroups of children who had recently travelled abroad and those who had an itinerant existance .
5 We hope that part of its brief will be to research the views of children , relatives and adopters who have been involved in both open and more traditional adoptions .
6 In the 1950s some very powerful films were made about the reactions of children to separation from their parents when admitted to hospital or residential nurseries .
7 Drama time At the next opportunity — in class time — the teacher relates the " story " of the drama so far , taking care to include reference to all the groups of children , but concluding :
8 The groups of children were soon swallowed up among the trees , and the sounds of the forest overlaid their fading voices and laughter , the soughing of the wind in the canopy of branches above their heads , the calls of the birds and the rustling and murmuring in the undergrowth .
9 The trend now is to avoid taking children 's tonsils out , but the Lancet report calls for a review of this policy in the cases of children who are severely affected by snoring .
10 By investing in education , we nourish the talents of children and lay the basis for future success .
11 Table II gives the characteristics of children who had leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma diagnosed during 1972–89 and who were born in the study area and resident there when their cancer was diagnosed .
12 It is this concern for enhancing or widening the opportunities of children living in inner city areas which underpins Ronald Edmonds ' chapter ( 2.1 ) .
13 This upward movement in the social hierarchy by many working-class boys ( significantly none of the studies has looked at girls ) has not been achieved at the expense of the opportunities of children from middle-class backgrounds , but by an explosion in the number of middle-class jobs — or an expansion in the service class or the salariat .
14 In the eyes of children , West Indians have it and Asians do n't .
15 MOST Christmas messages see the season of goodwill through the eyes of children .
16 A fitting tribute to a man who opened the eyes of children — and their teachers .
17 Accordingly , at the final staging-post , the final farm , within view of the River Vistula , where we lived well and warmly , and there were the heads of children to pat and tousle , and the striped mattress before the fire — we buried our gold .
18 The demands of children can be so insistent that a mother never uses the odd quiet moment to sit down with them and enjoy their company ; the temptation is always to seek out the next task .
19 This magazine is well-known for its support of women who are attempting to balance the demands of children , job , partner and home .
20 That is when music , the voices of children , the kind tones of those who love us , must be very important .
21 Learners are exposed to the voices of children and adults , native and non-native speakers , and a number of different regional and national accents .
22 CHILDLINE today took its first steps towards helping the voices of children in danger or trouble in Northern Ireland to be heard .
23 It involves visits to the homes of children who are either convicted offenders , children at special risk , or who have recently been involved in trouble and have come to the attention of the police .
24 But this was to be a very different story and one unsuited to the ears of children .
25 Fluid in the ears of children whose parents did not smoke was more than twice as likely to clear than fluid in the ears of those whose parents did smoke .
26 Fluid in the ears of children receiving adenoidectomy and a tube , however , was more than twice as likely to clear than fluid in those receiving either procedure alone .
27 The end of the pool , then , represents the final examination , the lines of children are the pupils of different ages and abilities , the guardians , I suppose , are the textbook writers , syllabus makers and educational administrators .
28 I insist upon conquering the wills of children betimes ; because this is the only foundation for a religious education … religion is nothing else but the doing the will of God , and not our own …
29 Traditionally , the beat in the city had been the area for serious mischief — the dread of young men playing pitch-and-toss ( the first such incident is reported in 1839 , and the latest in 1979 ) , and the perils of children flying kites .
30 The 1989 Children Act imposes new , more stringent regulations for planning and reviewing the experiences of children looked after by local authorities .
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