Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] be but " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know who the kids are but there 's nothing I can do about it .
2 ‘ We are three-quarters of a mile in the depths of the earth , and the great river shrinks into insignificance as it dashes its angry waves against the walls and cliffs that rise to the world above ; the waves are but puny ripples , and we but pygmies , running up and down the sands or lost among the boulders .
3 Thus , according to our definitions , unc whilst unc and so , unless unc and unc are just other names for 3 and 1 w are in the intolerable situation that a sum or product of two classes depends not only on which the classes are but also on what we choose to call them !
4 All chalks , including Belemnite chalk , are fundamentally composed of coccoliths ; the belemnites are but a tiny percentage and are also to be found in some seams of Micraster chalk to a greater or lesser degree .
5 Er I honestly ca n't remember what the the breakdown on the figures are but er even by moving that inner route direction er we were unable er within the traffic model to actually er encourage so much re as much relief on the A sixty one what the actual figures were I have n't got them to hand sir at the moment .
6 At one time the Rowdies were mainly Skinheads for whom the terraces were but one of a number of arenas for collective action .
7 As the speaker indicated er , the C E C will not declare exactly what the intentions of the motions were but it 's now , er now it 's clear from the remarks of the speaker .
8 They and the neighbours were but mildly impressed and Maria clearly disbelieving .
9 The others were but background and audience .
10 When the Syrians said , ‘ We do n't know where the hostages are but we 'll be glad to help locate them , ’ all they had to do was pick up the phone .
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