Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] for he " in BNC.

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1 As she filled in the forms for him , the girl in Despatch , big and black and at last a friendly face , told him she was from Mississippi , and sure as hell she hated Greeks , Athens , moussaka and retsina .
2 At midday Angel went to a public house and brought food and wine back to where Tess was waiting in the woods for him .
3 Although she sets the goals for him to achieve , in fact success depends on the mutual effort of the physiotherapist and the patient .
4 ‘ Well , ’ continued Gloria between swallows of coffee , ‘ the lady what polishes the cars for him has got a sister what does cleaning at Stowbridge Tech . ’
5 I rode home along with him : he never used to charge me nothing because I used to deliver these here up to the shops for him .
6 And that 'll be a t turn up for the books for him .
7 I held the plates for him .
8 If you watch the treatment sessions , you may sometimes think that the patient is not taking any active role in initiating movements , whereas the physiotherapist seems to be doing the movements for him .
9 ( 4 ) It is hereby declared that a person shall not be entitled to rely on the defence provided by subsection ( 1 ) above by reason of his reliance on information supplied by another , unless he shows that it was reasonable in all the circumstances for him to have relied on the information , having regard in particular ( a ) to the steps which he took , and those which might reasonably have been taken , for the purpose of verifying the information ; and ( b ) to whether he had any reason to disbelieve the information .
10 So I went to visit the plants for him , went to check , in his memory who can do so no longer , whether the recurrent spring miracle of the Welsh mountains was still taking place now that the man who had seemed almost to stand for its yearly renewal had gone .
11 He had been serving in France when he met her , they had married as soon as the Hun had been finished off , and after the honeymoon it had been back to the colours for him and straight over to Ireland .
12 ‘ Mr Hubbard has made a big commitment to me and I 'd like to produce the goods for him first , ’ he said .
13 Gigantic , monstrous and powerful ; waiting on the stairs for him to open the door wide , so that it could seize him , drag him away and do to him what it had done to Pearce ?
14 Putting aside any cynical thoughts that it 's a bit more than just communication which is needed here , I am reminded of views expressed by Prof Tony Ridley : ‘ The job of the professional is to assist the politician and clarify the issues for him .
15 ‘ I booked the tickets for him . ’
16 Sam would place bets on the horses for him , as Dad was unable to write a slip , nor comprehend form .
17 Iorwerth reached out of the leaves for him and choked him mute , but the damage was done .
18 And I 'll wash the others for him . ’
19 Sylvia agreed to work the streets for him on the understanding he would find out what she wanted to know .
20 If your child is not breathing , you need to breathe into the lungs for him until he can do it himself ( artificial respiration ) .
21 Take this one , for example ; walking along the canal towpath at this late hour of the night , as if it was the park on a pleasant Sunday afternoon and life held no dangers for him at all .
22 There are NO plans for him to return to Coney Hill .
23 On the other hand , his jumping was superb , and the thirty formidable fences of the National course would hold no terrors for him .
24 Clearly Prokoviev 's Sixth Sonata and Stravinsky 's Sonata holds no terrors for him ; indeed he positively relishes every textural contrast , and change of articulation and dynamic .
25 That little Imperial bang-box held no terrors for him .
26 Whichever was the case , the subject of Heather 's visit to the Skein of Geese on 10 September held no terrors for him .
27 He smiled ; he had been on intimate terms with death for a long while , it had no terrors for him .
28 Tom met him outside at lunchtime as there were no classes for him in the afternoon .
29 There were no messages for him at the desk .
30 ‘ I have no feelings for him but I am hurt by his attitude , ’ said 16-year old Javier .
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