Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [was/were] say " in BNC.

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1 One of the most pedantic of the sub-editors was saying : ‘ You 're all looking for somebody with what you call a reason , but his thinking will be at variance with yours . ’
2 Indeed , the manner in which the railways forced the mixing of the castes was said to have been a contributory cause of the Mutiny in 1857 , although it must be said that the revolt broke out in an area still far from the early Indian railway projects .
3 I found the church without too much trouble , and saw the spaces under the edge of the roof where the birds were said to have had their nest .
4 When we launched our boat in Rangkul for the first time and motored towards the islands where the birds were said to nest , it was with considerable relief that we saw there were indeed geese , and they were on eggs .
5 In effect , what The Times was saying was that it knew what the ‘ real ’ stories were and that only dictators prevented such stories from being told .
6 Soon she could no longer see anything clearly , nor could she make out what the beetles were saying .
7 There are times when I 've pushed on when all the signals were saying turn back .
8 All the candidates were said to be in favour of free legislative elections and economic reform .
9 The Highlanders were said to live on a diet of children , while the prince 's quartermaster put in a well-timed but no doubt inflated demand for the town to provide billets for 13,000 foot and , a more accurate figure , 300 horse .
10 Having refurbished two bits of year-old evidence to support the new Libyan thesis , he now weighed in with a two-year-old intelligence report about a meeting in Tripoli before the bombing — in mid-November 1988 — at which the Libyans were said to have taken over responsibility for the attack from the PFLP — GC after Jibril 's West German cell was broken up .
11 So if I wrote , ‘ The next day was a Fuesday ’ because I hit the wrong key on the typewriter , they used to leave it in , thinking that was what the kids were saying at the time !
12 The funds were said to have been laundered and deposited in foreign bank accounts .
13 The words were said with such good humour and aggressive sureness that it would have been impossible to take offence .
14 The words were said , not harshly but firmly , according to one guest at the most unconventional royal wedding ever .
15 The words were said tightly and with reluctance .
16 The defendants were said to have spent two hours on the base and taken photographs of themselves painting the aircraft .
17 The goodbyes were said ; Annabel and Millie clasped hands , but Mrs Kirkley gently prevented her daughter from seeing their guests to the gate .
18 ‘ It was a very acrimonious meeting , mostly about why we were changing lengths : the merchandisers were saying the customers want this and the designers were fighting their case and , as it was the first collection prepared without Laura present the whole time , it was not surprising that difficulties should surface , ’ Moira explained .
19 The imports were said to be stifling local recycling industries .
20 Remember , the terrorists were saying , that there can be no lasting peace if we are not involved .
21 The deals were said to give Kazakhstan up to 80 per cent of expected profits .
22 ‘ It 's the operative 's fault , ’ one of the managers was saying .
23 Pyramids are found in both the Middle East and the Americas , perhaps because men reflected that mountains were closer to the heavens , where the gods were said to live , so they built the pyramids as their own mountains .
24 Yeah part part of the problems was say Going back to what Sergeant said about er the people in the from the housing , being mixed .
25 the jurors were saying .
26 Toby was referring to one of the great stars in the American golfing firmament whom the sponsors were said to be paying £50,000 in appearance money , much to the disgust of most of the other professionals .
27 From the Reagan administration 's first decision to listen to what the Israelis were saying , the Iran-contra affair had found its firm foundation in political and diplomatic illusion .
28 It was almost as if the Israelis were saying ‘ if you think the Palestinians are suffering , see how more than six million of our people died at the hands of the Nazis ’ .
29 The characters were said to be stiff .
30 One of the teachers was saying that you give children pieces of paper to draw anything and most of them will draw a soldier carrying a gun or Caspers , or helicopters , something to do with war .
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