Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [was/were] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Although the House of Lords did not give a concluded opinion , the inclination of the judgments was that the court could not use the test to limit a plaintiff to a proportion of his losses .
2 He mentioned that great charges and costs had been incurred by the works far above any returns , Some course was to be made for the maintenance of the workmen if the mines were as worn out as the Germans pretended .
3 Oh no if the if the if the if the if the owners well they were privately owned then the mines were and if they did n't want to er get the coal out you did n't work .
4 Everywhere the signs were that the British film industry was overheating .
5 Yet all the signs were that this was going to be a fruitless exercise .
6 and with so much steam coming from the forwards all the signs were that Gloucester were going to take sale to the cleaners …
7 I could n't remember where my form room was or where the toilets were and what was the Headteacher 's name ?
8 When Mr Archer 's 20-year-old assistant , Lisa Pratt , came on the scene Miller demanded to know where the takings were and she was then punched in the chest and ribs .
9 The question for the courts was whether or not the decision was one at which the individual official could reasonably have arrived .
10 Robert Kidder has argued that there was no clash of values , but that on the contrary the attraction of the courts was that they were in theory able to pass down clear-cut and decisive decisions .
11 In medieval times , the normal presumption of the courts was that any history or implication of consent on the part of the woman was a valid defence to an appeal of rape .
12 It is said that a British ornithologist asked his aborigine guide what the birds were and the guide said , in aboriginese , ‘ good food ’ : I suppose we 're lucky he did n't say ‘ birds , you dickhead ’ .
13 Pavlov insisted that the major difference between the plans was that an integral part of Yavlinsky 's " grand bargain " was Western economic assistance , whereas , he said , " we shall implement the programme , reflected in the Yavlinsky variant , whether or not we receive aid from the West " .
14 What was interesting about the projects was that they were asked at the outset to establish their local objectives , and set criteria for success for themselves .
15 And one of the say one of the proposals was that there should be this er line from , and through this town , and over to join the er Nottingham , Lincoln line er at .
16 One sign of the times was that Lord Young of Dartington , a founder member of the SDP in 1981 , moved back to rejoin the Labour Party .
17 The only difference between the groups was that those in E were generally a little older and a few females were also to be found there .
18 The form of the cases was as follows :
19 that report er that i it was er said that it m a high proportion of the cases were because of bed closures , which surely must be linked with resources .
20 And during the sort of formative weeks or months of my joining the company the B M S was introduced , and the rules were that the telesales people will now become sales people , and that was one of my briefs if you like , that what you are going to get in front of you Peter is a , is a load of people who are currently working what 's called telesales and what they actually do is make appointments .
21 The 50-year-old , winner of 61 tournaments worldwide , said that his interpretation of the rules was that he should have been disqualified for signing an incorrect score card .
22 The main thesis of the interactionists was that the ‘ official ’ application of these particular labels ( via agencies such as school-teachers and police ) had profound consequences for the persons so labelled , and for the way we perceive and understand crime and deviance .
23 Odd that he had n't noticed how long the fingers were or with what apparent gentleness they had taped the plastic bags over the girl 's hand to preserve , as he had tonelessly explained , conscientious in his role of instructor , any evidence under the fingernails .
24 One major lesson drawn from the 1981 riots in Britain by the authorities was that this style of policing had led to a growing gulf between the police and the communities in which it worked .
25 But what happened when Reagan actually cut the grants to the states was that the states increased their own spending .
26 The main effect of the situation in the schools was that the development work on practical , oral and investigative assessments was slowed and the collection of views from teachers on issues relating to graduated tests was reduced .
27 wrote to all the same places again this year and the response we got back from the schools was that this particular year they 've got nobody coming forward who they consider would
28 The industrial tribunal found that the reason for the dismissals was that the managing director was strongly anti-union but that none of the four could show that the reason for his dismissal was his own union membership or activities .
29 As originally conceived in the White Paper , the main characteristics of the polytechnics were that they were to be large , comprehensive , have an applied philosophy , be primarily teaching institutions with a brief to develop courses in new areas , and their courses were to be validated by the CNAA .
30 There was a struggle for the polytechnics to define , in private and in public , what the characteristics of the polytechnics were and should remain .
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