Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The view that he changes is not usually very considered and , from his short statement , he has clearly not studied in depth either of the judgments that we are discussing today .
2 Young children imitate and ‘ play ’ the activities that they see adults enjoying .
3 It is generally accepted that control systems have to be organized in parallel to the activities that they are intended to monitor .
4 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
5 To be able to continue the activities that they have traditionally undertaken , er , with substantial er , grant and financial support from the County Council .
6 During the second section I will look at the activities that I myself was involved with during my time in post .
7 It may be best to try to specify the teaching objectives in behavioural terms — planning the thoughts and particularly the activities that you envisage for the pupils and the teacher .
8 Now , the defences that we 're involved in er are taking conveyance .
9 She signed the forms that he brought her to sign , even though the name on them was n't always her own , and then Belov slipped them into a file under a stack of others and took them away again .
10 The the grades , you do not mark the essays that you 've put in at course work t erm you do n't mark the exam questions to the same rigorous standard .
11 You will have noticed in the circulars that we have launched our first theme — Customer Service ( circular AD/93/105 ) .
12 What this will do is present at a disadvantage when it comes to competing with other units to secure the contracts that it ultimately undertakes at the minute .
13 My right hon. Friend will be aware that the lion 's share of the contracts that he has just announced has been placed with defence factories in the north-west of England , including Lancashire .
14 Miss Poraway told the men who were unloading the trestle-tables that she would require a good one , because she ran the book-stall and always had .
15 Formerly , the rule permitting recourse to earlier statutes was taken to allow the court to compare the wording of a consolidation Act with the Acts that it superseded , and to conclude that variation of wording indicated a change of meaning .
16 To check the statements ‘ comparison with the etching turn out to be optimistic ’ ( Schatborn ) and ‘ there is not a line that resembles Rembrandt 's other drawings of the period ’ ( Royalton-Kisch ) , readers have only to compare the treatment of the back in the drawing with the etching to see that the explanation offered by the experts that they are the product of two separate artists working independently in , ‘ a joint session of study from the model ’ is far fetched .
17 She has all the skills as well as the attitudes that her police training gave her .
18 Under this scheme the Training Agency is empowered to offer individual institutions up to £1 million to enable them to give every undergraduate the opportunity to learn the skills and acquire the attitudes that he or she will need in industry and commerce .
19 Mrs Thatcher , and the attitudes that she presents , were a challenge to many established ways in the universities .
20 Further , it is only in the Fellowships that they will get sufficient identification with other sufferers to be able to see that there is hope for recovery when they do finally admit defeat .
21 I prevailed with the gaoler ( the sheriff denying me ) to take some of the seamen that I thought most dangerous [ i.e. the likeliest to try to escape ] a week ago , and , notwithstanding the strength of the place , from a turret … four men slipped away by a cord in a minute …
22 The checks that we make are quick but thorough as we take our responsibilities seriously-no one wants to add to an existing debt problem .
23 Now that may not be the best way to have structured it , but some of the checks that we 're imposing at the moment are not necessary to put on paper .
24 When the Haldanes challenged the Campbell influence in Stirling , they promised Deacon Ellise of the hammermen that he should be made smith of the Castle and that a member of the tailor 's trade should replace the castle storeman .
25 His view that the accountants in the earlier case owed a duty of care was based on the fact that they had actual knowledge of the plaintiff 's intended and actual reliance on the accounts that they were to prepare .
26 It has never been doubted that if directors discover that the accounts that they have presented are defective they can , and should , correct them .
27 The accounts that you have for this year , have been rearranged .
28 There should be some recognition of the fact that the programmes that the Government have set up in the network of jobcentres , including restart , job clubs , job interview guarantees and all the programmes that they deliver through jobcentres or training and enterprise councils , help to alleviate the misery that comes with loss of employment .
29 well , I have one , and I think that 's expensive enough , but regarding the licence extra money , I think that we should n't have to pay any television licence at all with some of the programmes that we 're getting on , they 're all repeated
30 Given our commitments to the programmes that we 've set forward and given our commitment to the council tax payer , remember that person again not mentioned today
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