Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) Ensure the activities provide learning experiences for pupils through which you can assess their attainment of each attainment target or one in particular .
2 The activities include befriending the elderly or taking them on day trips , re-creating trails and footpaths in National parks , organizing and running barge holidays for mentally handicapped children , and ‘ greening ’ inner cities by developing disused allotments .
3 ( Even if the activities do present curbs on the rights of the general public to go about their business , street action might still be justified where , for example , it brings to public consciousness some injustice that would not otherwise receive a public hearing . )
4 Certainly , the activities do focus concentration and energy , but I also use these activities diagnostically , to give myself time and space to assess the class , to learn about their social health ; they help me feel comfortable with the class , and that is important .
5 A school with a long tradition of extra curricular activities is likely to continue with an extensive provision even if the activities alter to reflect the expertise of the adults involved .
6 The first category includes those small towns where the defences appear to rationalize an extensive urban scatter and to enclose a suitable urban core .
7 The evidence that the continents have drifted , that South America did indeed break away from Africa for instance , is now literally overwhelming , but this is not a book about geology and I shall not spell it out .
8 You choose the form that best suits what you need to say , remembering always that the forms exist to help you say what you want to .
9 At the National Children 's Home Southdowns home in Hampshire the forms have influenced practice .
10 You 've got to erm , I 've got to get well Dad 's got the form I can get another one he can , erm the forms have got to be in soon so she knows how many are going to be sort of on the walls you know .
11 The forms need to show the maximum possible numbers to include everyone on role at any time between January and December — please return them at or before the Reunion , but let us know verbally as soon as possible of any major changes — the office likes to give up to date information to enquirers .
12 These are all concerns central to our own current culture , and the essays help detail some of Shakespeare 's negotiations with us as well as the possible ‘ social energy ’ of his own era .
13 I mean if Glasgow breaks down for I mean if the pros get called out for two weeks it 's not gon na make a big deal of difference at Norwich .
14 They took five wickets each , and must have convinced all concerned that — as the Pakistanis have shown — attacking bowling runs rings round the boring containment of seamers .
15 William had come to the throne two years earlier , in 1688 , after the Glorious Revolution against the Catholic James II ; but although the Treatises do contain material which could be seen as after-the-fact justifications of the Revolution , they were not written for this reason .
16 But the response at first was muted , for the Acts seem to have been ad hoc responses to a perceived crisis rather than an expression of a coherent programme .
17 But the experts need to know more precisely when and by whom the bodies of Uffington were buried .
18 The jargon , the mystique and the experts have dominated in the recent past .
19 Recently the experts have deemed this unlikely .
20 the experts exist to advise line managers , who may accept or reject the advice given ; or
21 What the experts want to know about you at your antenatal clinic Nancy Stewart
22 Over the years , the experts seem to have got in all of a lather over what we should do to cleanse our skin properly .
23 The crowds begin to disperse — some home to bed , others to drive back to Porto Moniz or Caniçal , and still others to attend the numerous parties , supper buffets , dances and discothèques until time for breakfast and bed .
24 The crowds have disappeared and the weather is still warm .
25 If you do your searches during the evening when the crowds have departed you will be able to sweep the head of your detector over the very spots where people dropped their cash .
26 As Gandalf points out , all Sauron and Saruman and the orcs have done between them is ‘ bring Pippin and Merry with marvellous speed , and in the nick of time , to Fangorn , where otherwise they would never have come at all ! ’ — and so , one might say , though it is beyond Gandalf 's knowledge at the time , to rouse the Ents , overthrow Saruman , save Rohan , and free Théoden to make his decisive intervention at Minas Tirith .
27 Tonight the labourers have gathered at a friend 's house to discuss whether the new government will resolve their biggest problems like the lack of decent housing , running water and electricity .
28 From the resurrection of Ba'al , to the resurrection of Christ , the rituals have changed ; even the meaning given to the weeping has changed ; but the power of tears remains .
29 First , opinion polls since the mid-1970s have shown a consistently stable majority for proportional representation ( see ‘ Waiting for reform ’ by Stuart Weir in the April Political Quarterly ) .
30 Further studies in the mid-1970s have shown that the situation has not changed .
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