Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 The circulars were for double glazing , a credit card company and for small deductions on the purchase of a variety of household goods .
2 Was this what the pebbles were for ?
3 The problem generally classified as ‘ shirking ’ also extends to incompetence , since if the shareholders are for practical purposes unable to replace management the company may suffer from inept leadership quite separately from questions of managerial diligence .
4 A petition can only be presented in respect of a debt if ( s 267(2) ) : ( i ) the amount of the debt or the aggregate of the debts is equal to or exceeds the bankruptcy level ( defined in 5267(4) as £750 but subject to change by the Secretary of State ) , ( ii ) the debt of each of the debts is for a liquidated sum payable either immediately or at some future time and is unsecured , ( iii ) the debtor appears unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay the debt or debts , and ( iv ) there is no outstanding application to set aside a statutory demand served under s 268 ( see section 4 ( c ) below ) .
5 Now planning councillors on both side of the Thames will have to consider if the plans are for a bridge too far
6 The illustrations are for the case when the game is played with the eight neighbouring sites ( the cells corresponding to the chess king 's move ) , and with one 's own site ( which is reasonable if the players are thought of as organized groups occupying territory ) .
7 Most of the projects are for building new homes but modernisation and refurbishments are included .
8 could I ask if i if it is appropriate whether whether Bob could elaborate on on what the proposals are for the Market Hall and .
9 The only statistically significant difference between the groups was for the presence of blood in the stool ; 5-ASA patients had significantly less blood reported than the bismuth group .
10 Why do you think it is that that you get erm that you have got quite a few girls that become prostitutes , what do you think the reasons are for it ?
11 But what might the reasons be for saying such a thing ?
12 Many of the calls were for information , but many of them were from people who were confused or desperate .
13 Many of the requests are for practical , technical and vocational literature for all levels , from secondary schooling upwards .
14 Most of the meetings are for the purposes of electing Elders and Deacons ; selecting dates for Communion and purging and adding to the roll in preparation ; electing a representative in the Presbytery and Synod ; and acting as a court of discipline .
15 The Druids were for Posidonius more important than the other two groups because they provided leadership , moral and religious ideas , and justice .
16 SE claimed that the cylinders were for an Iraqi petrochemical project and that their export had been approved by the UK 's Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) .
17 Eighty-one of the schools were for boys , ninety-five for girls , and two were mixed .
18 Of course , the pictures are for the young readers — or are they ?
19 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
20 This is because 40 per cent of all the information that is taken in through the eyes is for balance alone .
21 Was that what the cars were for ?
22 Aboard the carriers were forty-eight Hurricanes and six Fulmars to be flown off , although on this occasion not all the fighters were for Malta .
23 The dragons were for the procession , and were designed to be raised upon the shoulders of pairs of bearers .
24 The system is essentially diagnostic , the remedies are for the librarian to apply .
25 Wigs were out of the question because of the cost , and most of the changes John asked for in the designs were for simplicity in making and comfort in wearing .
26 It 's an indictment on our society that The Porch is regarded as their home , and we 're only open for five hours a day , and yet they regard us as their family , and what we the servers are for them is the parents that they lack .
27 ( 2 ) All of the roles are for male characters male sopranos never portray women .
28 This is interesting , because we know that even in the post-exilic period a considerable proportion of the Jews was for all practical purposes polytheistic .
29 The lifts were for transporting patients too sick to protest to departments on higher floors .
30 The highest salaries paid to local authority officers involved with the arts are for Directors and Assistant Directors of Museums and Gallery Services .
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