Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 People come from all over Darlington for some of the activities but in the Denes area the church is regarded as a genuine focal point for non-churchgoers as well as regular worshippers .
2 Our detailed knowledge of the site 's later history is largely dependent upon the excavations across the defences and at the west gate .
3 The overall quietness , awe inspiring , almost like a mediaeval cathedral , was due in part to the forms and in part to the arrangement of those forms .
4 ( iv ) Although the claims in these actions are not made for the performance of the obligations under the contracts or as a result of their breach , they do concern matters relating to a contract , since the court is determining the consequences of the nullity of the contracts , particularly with regard to the contractual matters of total failure of consideration and payments under a mistake .
5 What concerns us is not so much a detailed account of the politics which led to the passing of the acts and to their eventual repeal in the 1880s .
6 The duty of the court is to enforce the Acts and in so doing to observe one principle which is inherent in the Acts and has been long recognised , the principle that parties can not contract out of the Acts …
7 ‘ Their aim was to defeat the experts and to deliberately lock out systems managers so they could n't get into their computers , ’ said Mr Richardson .
8 These are the magnets which draw the crowds but around these swirl a fascinating kaleidoscope of experiences .
9 There 's also some new kind of rubberised surface by the swings and at the end of the slide .
10 These two groups provided the ‘ steady ’ leadership of labour but were always complemented by the unskilled and the seamen and by socialist intellectuals ( most of whom were manual workers in this period ) working around reproductive issues .
11 Major demonstrations by Albanian ‘ nationalists ’ took place in 1968 and 1981 , and smaller demonstrations in the mid-1970s and in 1983 .
12 At the same time , formal sector employment , never very large , has fallen some 10 per cent since the mid-1970s because of economic stagnation , and the informal sector is now overcrowded and income therefore low .
13 Furthermore the court 's alternative conclusion that the profit arose in or derived from the places where these assets were licensed erroneously presupposes that the rights in question had a fixed situs outside Hong Kong whence profits accrued not to the sub-licensees but to the taxpayer .
14 The Model Contract Conditions set out fairly and succinctly the principle obligations of the solicitors and of the authority .
15 Yes , the cost will most probably kill off some of the clubs or at least make them less successful , but surely that is a price we will have to pay .
16 TNT ‘ Money ’ already a big hit in the clubs and on Kiss FM , this 12″ and CD features six mixes by Tony Humphries of Soul II Soul and Chaka Khan fame
17 Thanking everyone , Mr. Offer said he had enjoyed working for the parish council , the clubs and with two chairmen of the recreation committee , Wing Commander Archie Derry and Mr. Coyte .
18 He also suggested that quite apart from the accountant 's employer or client , he owed a duty to any third person to whom he shows the accounts or to whom he knows the employer will show the accounts with a view to persuading that person to invest or take some other action .
19 Such notes may be included in the accounts or in separate documents annexed thereto .
20 She did n't seem interested ; she had been ill while he was away , and spent most of the day in her chair , listening to the radio , more involved with the programmes than in what he was doing .
21 I 've seen most of the programmes and for Mastermind it was just a question of re-reading all the Dr Who books again . ’
22 A number of definitions have been used both by the institutions and by researchers .
23 For the experiment , eight temporary space lights were installed in the Chamber and the strip lights under the galleries and above the Speaker 's Chair were upgraded .
24 The Committee even considered the possibility that the occupant of the Chair be given a cut-off button or that other devices be employed to override demonstrations or disturbance in the galleries or on the floor of the House , but it rejected such innovations .
25 Gangs of men were at work trying to rescue the contents of the burning shacks , going from one to another , putting out the fires ; or so I thought till with a shock it came to me that these were no rescuers but incendiaries , that the battle I saw them waging was not with the flames but with the rain .
26 The Royal Cross School at that time operated on the Pure Oral system , but the boys were all led to safety by using sign language to communicate amongst the glare of the flames and through dense smoke !
27 Numerous bull songs were written and ‘ at the public-houses and at other convivial assemblies in the town for six weeks before and six weeks after the Taurine festival it was customary for men to sing the glories of the sport ’ ( G. H. Burton ) .
28 He was to be someone acceptable to the Deanses and to Mr Moffat and Mr Johnston and a ‘ business figure of standing ’ had already been approached .
29 However , official figures suggest that more girls have tended to stay at school to secondary level than boys , both in the homelands and in DET areas .
30 Evidence for the Burgundians and for the Franks suggests that neither group can be neatly categorized as either arian or catholic .
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