Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] will give " in BNC.

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1 When we wish to retrieve a synonym , the algorithm will give an ‘ incorrect ’ address .
2 The response will give particulars of the expert and the APIL member(s) who put them on to the database and who can be contacted for a more personal recommendation .
3 The reader can hope , all the same , that the writer will give an account of the special merits of key pictures , and it is these art critical passages which can be of most help in enjoying or appreciating the chosen artist 's achievement .
4 It believes the award will give its distributors and installers competitive advantage in a marketplace where quality is very important .
5 The statement says that the president of the RICS will give careful weight to objections , but then reach his own decision .
6 Ms Brenda Dean , general secretary of Sogat ( Society of Graphical and Alled Trades ) said : ‘ The decision will give the green light to a small minority of cynical police officers , encouraging them to build in unnecessary delays when they are investigating their own . ’
7 Or if they 're placed significantly with larger things , the impact and interest of the contrast will give harmony to the group .
8 Zambia , more astute than Tammuz gave hir credit for , knelt against the side of his chair : ‘ You reckon the cocktail will give you gut-ache , its taste is questionable , yet it looks beautiful , glowing there in the glass , smells divine , and the buzz it can give you is a temptation beyond endurance .
9 A glance at PR Week or Campaign magazines or the Creative Appointments section which appears each week in The Guardian will give you an idea of current earnings for qualified public relations staff .
10 The agent will give a demonstration of the goods on sale , and visitors can examine them and try them out .
11 In the same way that the agent will give you a package to the Canaries or go-as-you-please trek in the Himalayas , so the centre may attach an inquirer to a study visit to Sweden with 20 others or arrange a single stay in Peru .
12 And this one from a most complimentary lady in Northampton : ‘ I hope the programme will give lots of people the determination to persevere as you did .
13 The deal will give MAI an exceptional gain of about $65m .
14 Sometimes the statute will give guidance on this question .
15 Yes the chassis mounts will take the 4203 The engine will give a lot more torque but you will need an overdrive or the top speed will only be in the mid forties
16 The hole in the work will give lightness to the heavier sections with cables .
17 It has taken a long time to get justice but the compensation will give financial security to my family and give us sufficient breathing space to try and rebuild our lives .
18 It has taken a long time to get justice but the compensation will give financial security to my family and give us sufficient breathing space to try and rebuild our lives .
19 ‘ I want this country to be so proud of me that the Queen will give me one of her crowns .
20 Look , you do n't need to worry about it — at your age the council will give you something if you ca n't find anything yourself …
21 If it 's an even number of repeats , then repositioning the N1 cam in the centre of the machine will give a complete pattern on either side .
22 If you need new glasses because your sight has changed , and you 're in one of the three groups of people shown on pages 10–11 , the optician will give you an NHS voucher to help pay for them .
23 In the case of a company without share capital the return will give no particulars of the members ; to ascertain that , resort must be to the company .
24 You must not touch this curtain with your hand , but must lay on it the milk-white feather which the hen will give you , and the curtain will be opened silently , by unseen hands , and the doors beyond it will lie open , and you may come into the hall where you shall find what you shall find . ’
25 The Judge will give his answers tomorrow .
26 On the evening of December 15 , starting at 6.30 pm , members of the institute will give demonstrations of their various techniques , and at 7.30 pm a lecture will be given by the head of the Modern British Art Department of Christie 's .
27 The bookseller will give you ten shillings change . ’
28 If there are m molecules in the unit cell , each of the internal motions of the molecule will give rise to m components .
29 ‘ The power of quality is all-pervasive and accessing some of the softer sides of the business will give hidden but important gains . ’
30 The principle is that the stockade will give but not break .
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