Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] 's [be] " in BNC.

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1 In September a combination of politically clean hands plus a rising tide of Bonapartism led to the Prince 's being elected yet again , this time in five separate constituencies .
2 The Romanian Parliament had issued objections on Nov. 28 to the referendum 's being held in those Ukrainian territories which between 1918 and 1940 had been part of Romania , namely Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia , but which had been ceded to Ukraine under the terms of the Molotov-Ribentropp pact .
3 On this , consideration should be given to the position of the Chairman of the Committee : to the desirability that he or she should be full-time , with a more critical and independent role ; and , in recognition of the Committee 's independence in operation from the Government Departments principally constituting it , to the Chairman 's being appointed by the Prime Minister and being a member of the Cabinet Office .
4 The decision 's being hailed as a legal milestone .
5 The last instant of the flattening of the cushion , we are inclined to think , will be simultaneous with the beginning of a causal circumstance for the cushion 's being other than flattened .
6 The drug 's being tested by cancer specialists … although it could be some years before it 's generally available .
7 The demolition 's being carried out by Thamesdown Council .
8 The blood 's being tested , but I 'm not expecting to hear that it 's of animal origin . ’
9 I for one have formal qualifications in electronics and know when the wool 's being pulled , but others do n't and that 's your job .
10 In any field of employment a successful application depends to some degree on the applicant 's being seen to say and do what is expected during the selection process , and to this extent conventional selection methods can always be faulted for the way they may presume that words uttered on a form or in an interview are reliable indicators of future performance .
11 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
12 In specifying a circumstance for the working of the wipers , we may include the switch 's being flipped , but if we do , we can not also include the muscle movements which gave rise to the switch 's being flipped .
13 In specifying a circumstance for the working of the wipers , we may include the switch 's being flipped , but if we do , we can not also include the muscle movements which gave rise to the switch 's being flipped .
14 Nigel Short , who is taking a break in Greece , has already expressed his support for the contest 's being held in Manchester .
15 Often there is no intention to frustrate the child ; the rejections — such as not listening to or fobbing off the child — may be the consequences of the parent 's being too busy with chores or being tired and irritable after a day 's work , and so forth .
16 The joy was great , both upon the occasion of the day , and the work 's being completed , which is really a wonderful undertaking .
17 Of course I wo n't go climbing hills , ’ Beth assured her with a light peck on the cheek to show that she was not annoyed at the girl 's being so forward .
18 From the market 's point of view , this is no less significant than the stake 's being in one pair of hands .
19 It 's his department 's job to make sure the law 's being applied when it comes to fireworks .
20 Now the chancellor 's being very nasty this year , he 's not increased that limit at all .
21 He thought that preferable to the child 's being in an institution or with foster parents .
22 The reply by the minister was a direct echo of Mary Carpenter : ‘ The principle behind this provision in the bill is that parents should be required — if their means so permit — to pay for their child 's board and lodging , so that they are in no way better off as a result of the child 's being in care . ’
23 This fashion of dimidiation was abandoned by at least the late fourteenth century and replaced by the style of compressing each set of armorial bearings onto one half of the shield — the husband 's being placed on the dexter and the wife 's on the sinister .
24 The fact that a cause of the wine 's being cool , say refrigeration , is my means-this is the fact that ( i ) I can bring about that cause , and ( ii ) it is a cause of what I desire .
25 This thought , that the given cause of the wine 's being cool is not in or of itself a means , is reinforced by the truth , among others , that the given cause is precisely not a means to my idiosyncratic drinking companion , who likes his Haut Poitou uncooled .
26 Jenny I should tell you that the meeting 's being recorded for this er , for the dictionary people .
27 On the other hand , the allowance of too much time will lead to stagnation , lack of enthusiasm and the job 's being put on the ‘ back burner ’ when more important assignments arrive .
28 And probably you 're in hock to the Service 's being friends ( the Service always had banking friends ) for this boatyard , too .
29 The event 's being organised by Geoff Holmes .
30 that all the stuff 's being broked around , whatever it
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