Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] are of " in BNC.

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1 It is noteworthy that the majority are of plants starting with the letter ‘ A ’ which , as has been explained , proportionately outnumbered the other letters in the Figures .
2 I now live in a small Perthshire village , substantially less homogeneous than the one in which I grew up but in which there are also a few catholic families and where the majority are of presbyterian Scottish/Ulster stock .
3 Notwithstanding the fact that Dirks was found not guilty , the tests laid down in the case are of great significance : a tipper 's liability is contingent upon the purpose of his action ; while a tippee 's liability is limited to those situations where he knows or ought reasonably to know of the insider 's breach of duty .
4 Two of the species present in the field are of particular interest , both to population biologists interested in the manner in which the numbers of plants are regulated and to evolutionists concerned with the extent and significance of natural variation .
5 ‘ ( 1 ) A party to a contract ‘ deals as consumer ’ in relation to another party if — ; ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) … the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
6 ‘ ( 2 ) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business , there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such condition-CC
7 A party to a contract " deals as a consumer " in relation to another party if — ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase , or by section 7 of this Act [ ie other contracts of supply ] the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
8 ( c ) The implied obligation of merchantable quality The SGA 1979 and the SGSA 1982 provide that , where goods are sold in the course of a business , there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract are of merchantable quality .
9 Thus s14(2) of SGA 1979 ( replicated in s10(2) of SOGIT 1973 as substituted by the CCA 1974 and ss4(3) , 9(3) of SGSA 1982 ) provides : ( 2 ) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business , there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such condition ( a ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made ; or ( b ) if the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
10 Section 12(1) of UCTA 1977 provides as follows : 12 – ( 1 ) A party to a contract " deals as consumer " in relation to another party if ( a ) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so ; and ( b ) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business ; and ( c ) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase , or by section 7 of this Act , the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
11 In abandoning the sutures as a method of ageing , few features of the skull except the dentition are of much use for our purpose .
12 The Revenue are of the view that a taxpayer 's home ( even if a rented flat ) can be his main residence even if he does not own it .
13 The papers they prepare for and on behalf of the Council are of the highest quality .
14 Furthermore , comparison of radiation doses required to induce protection in the irradiated sporozoite model of pre-erythrocytic immunity has indicated that antigens expressed early in development in the liver are of most importance for protection .
15 The people of the village are of like mind .
16 The ruins of the observatory are of interest but the rest of the summit could do with a hoover .
17 Scientists talk in terms of ‘ generations ’ of computers , and the most advanced of the machines in operation at the moment are of the fourth generation .
18 Thorndyke argued that both the internal organisation of the story and knowledge of the theme are of assistance in remembering the information contained in the story .
19 That is , we have chosen two parishes in our particular town — and we can not be sure how typical the parishes or the town are of the rest of the country .
20 " After which it was moved by Mr. James Bogle Smith seconded and unanimously resolved that the Court are of opinion that the School at Stockport should be discontinued and that the Court approves generally of the suggestions submitted to their consideration for discontinuing the School and refers the matter to the Standing Committee to open such communication with the Corporation of Stockport and the Master of the School as they may consider it desirable to make , with a view to carry the suggested plan into effect . "
21 If Christ has not risen from the grave of our lives , from our doubts , fears , from our personal deaths , then all the so-called evidences of the resurrection are of no consequence except as props .
22 The letters on the vane are of course the cardinal points of the compass in French , Nord , Sud , est & ouest .
23 The Council and the Government are of one mind on the long term objective .
24 I have come to the conclusion that the law of libel is one and the same as to all plaintiffs ; and that , in every action of libel , whether the statement complained of is , or is not , a libel , depends on the same question — viz. , whether the jury are of opinion that what has been published with regard to the plaintiff would tend in the minds of people of ordinary sense to bring the plaintiff into contempt , hatred , or ridicule , or to injure his character .
25 ‘ … I have come to the conclusion that the law of libel is one and the same as to all plaintiffs ; and that , in every action of libel , whether the statement complained of is , or is not , a libel , depends on the same question — viz. , whether the jury are of opinion that what has been published with regard to the plaintiff would tend in the minds of people of ordinary sense to bring the plaintiff into contempt , hatred , or ridicule , or to injure his character .
26 Whose interests within the state are of paramount importance ?
27 But the steroids in the Pill are of a different sort — they are the female sex hormones ( or closely related chemicals ) and they do not act in the same way as corticosteroids .
28 Many of the herbs included in the list are of an ideal size , and any plants you do n't press can be put to excellent use in the kitchen .
29 The following elements in the project are of note :
30 Many flowers that are very popular favourites in the garden are of little use to the presser .
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