Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] i have " in BNC.

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1 Hill said : ‘ This is the opportunity I have worked for and I would like to thank the team for putting their faith in me .
2 There was also a quote from Forbes ; he praised the stand I had taken in the face of management victimisation and stressed my right to real work .
3 ‘ It 's hard to believe such a vivacious personality is lost to us ’ , ’ Dysart was quoted as saying 'and harder still to accept that the stand I have taken against terrorism may have brought about her death . ’ ’
4 The ‘ Oh ! ’ was caused by a flash of insight ; it seemed like an answer to the prayer I had not prayed , the prayer I had only thought .
5 The ‘ Oh ! ’ was caused by a flash of insight ; it seemed like an answer to the prayer I had not prayed , the prayer I had only thought .
6 Having given this example of structuring I perhaps need to make clear some of the terminology I have been using before looking at more examples .
7 We 're able to put up most of them , while the remainder I 've sent round to The Beach Hotel . ’
8 I 've only got the base I 've lost the top .
9 They are heading for a gathering at a place I can not see on my map , but they seem content with the direction I have chosen .
10 I was amazed and terrified at the change I had so casually brought about in her .
11 I know that I went there when the change I have spoken of must have been already complete .
12 The support I 've got now is not really professional .
13 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
14 And I just do n't have the support I had hoped for — from you , perhaps , yes .
15 Then I discovered a button missing from the shirt I had planned to wear .
16 In the struggle I had lost a scarf I valued but never went back for it .
17 Through my mother and my sisters , this was the stereotype I had learned at home .
18 You know the thing is I feel that when I was tried to get the theatre board and I have contacted various people on the board I have never been listened to .
19 Now , on the board I have listed some possible targets .
20 I was particularly close to one girl in there , very close indeed , and we were having a relationship during the sentence I 've just finished .
21 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
22 In the afternoon I had thought that the only important thing was that I was alive , now I wished that I was dead .
23 So er that was a telephone call to the divisional officer , who was available at the moment and who came down and discussed it with the employer and notwithstanding that , in the afternoon I had given the management one hour to resolve the problem otherwise there was going to be a major walkout .
24 That was all the money I had .
25 When my jealousy put me upon such a vindictive conduct to you I took a bond for the money I had caused you to be troubled for .
26 I immediately placed all the money I had collected on deposit in the Bow Building Society at 102 Cheapside for a period of one year at a rate of four per cent .
27 I know lots of people ca n't understand that , one of which is my accountant , but I feel I must put something back , it 's the only way I can feel comfortable about all the money I 've made . ’
28 Do n't let's worry about the money I 've brought in …
29 ‘ All the money I 've got .
30 ‘ So this is how you spend all the money I 've lent you , ’ I said , and do you know what — he really did blush at that .
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