Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] is i " in BNC.

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1 The tyrouble is I have n't got any transport .
2 The difficulty is I am not an employee of yours , so I hope they accept it .
3 The difficulty is I want to try and be helpful erm er er my Right Honourable Friend has , has made a number of conceptions and we have er put down in my name a number of these amendments to the Bill in order to try and meet those very concessions and those the anxieties which your Lordships have have expressed .
4 The think is I have to earn money to do those beforehand .
5 Well what a lot of people say on the course is I know it 's my responsibility , but I always , I do n't always have the time to train because there 's a lot of backlog , there 's a lot of pressure , it 's and we all say to them that training is like a catch twenty two situation .
6 ‘ I 've spent a lot of time in Paris , ’ explains Caine , ‘ and the result is I 'm now a committed Francophile .
7 The rule is I ask and you put your hand up .
8 The likelihood is I 'm going to send him a catalogue and some , you know , a , a , a letter .
9 The sceptic is I suppose really the arch-conservative .
10 But today , especially these youngsters the attitude is I 'm
11 Well so the answer is yes , you 'll be getting one , if you check with them they 'll tell you what the timescale is I wish all items were as easy as this .
12 Erm the danger is I think when I first started meeting people , right , you know
13 I think as far as market is concerned we have sort of taken certain steps as far as the marketing is I mean the computerisation of ticket system gives us a much greater insight on marketing now cos you can actually see what people come to see and we can by the ticket that 's actually sold and we can actually target people direct .
14 The point is I think that the argument from here can go two ways .
15 The point is I do n't particularly want to spend a whole evening in John 's company at the moment . ’
16 The point is I think that the prime thing to remember is that the the the the s the customers in the coffee rooms are not necessarily customers in the cinema .
17 Yeah but the point is I mean if the barman 's busy in the pub on a night time and it 's dark he do n't know whose outside
18 I says , the point is I 've got bad eyes as it is ,
19 I do n't think so , th the point is I 'm not going to be called to tie a knot like this again for maybe three weeks and then by then I 'll make things up it was really more for convenience than sitting down trying to work it out myself so you know .
20 The point is I want one !
21 The truth is I am between the two and capable of doing both . ’
22 I do n't know how the story started , but the truth is I am too close to my family to move away . ’
23 The truth is I knew throughout the summer that my game was not as sharp and I was not enjoying myself on the course as I did in 1991 .
24 The truth is I am not speaking to your father . ’
25 ( The truth is I do n't want to forgive her , because it will free her from the grappling irons I have on her .
26 ‘ Now , you 're not to be cross with me , my dear , because I did n't come sooner , the truth is I wanted to come straight away but it was n't possible .
27 ‘ I wish , ’ he murmured , ‘ I 'm not Superman , you know , and , flattered as I am by your assumptions , the truth is I 'm usually too busy for socialising .
28 The truth is I pursued Lotta relentlessly , so lost in the thrill of the chase that I did n't realise until too late that we were entirely incompatible .
29 The truth is I had nothing at all in the bottle — it was empty because I 'd forgotten to get new supplies .
30 Do n't cry for me Argentina the truth is I never left you .
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