Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] is take " in BNC.

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1 It may be that such an individual has created an overseas trust or is the beneficiary under an overseas trust and the income is taken out from the trust and used to pay the interest on the overseas loan outside the United Kingdom .
2 Whether or not the opportunity is taken up is another matter !
3 Policies I five and I twelve provide for land for employment in the period up to two thousand and six , while in the T policies , the opportunity is taken to update road schemes in the county .
4 Claiming they 've found a balance somewhere between Jane 's Addiction and Jefferson Airplane , 8 Storey Window are an unashamed , intense , jamming rock band who are happiest when the drums are doing their own Ginger Baker thing and the guitar is taking a stroll in the stratosphere .
5 In most of the authoritative cases the direction is taken to be the steering and the movement is taken to be the acceleration and braking .
6 However , the change is taking place at a differential rate which seems to be related to the relative prestige of the various media .
7 Then the cholesterol is taken into the liver and eventually removed from the body .
8 An image copy of the Working-Set is taken whenever a new dictionary range is transferred to it from the Main Database .
9 Though I know that the struggle is taking place somewhere , as a housewife I find it harder to believe that there is a part in it for me .
10 The patient 's family doctor must be made aware that the admission is taking place .
11 If the board is to take important decisions , it should be capable of doing so wisely .
12 The next meeting of the Board is taking place on Wednesday 19 May 1993 at 2.00pm in the Borders Regional Headquarters , Newtown St Boswells .
13 ‘ Oh , we have so many robbers here , ’ he started sympathetically , ‘ and once the money is taken , I 'm afraid it 's gone . ’
14 The money is taken out of your pre-taxed income , so if you choose to give £10 a month , it will only cost you £7.50 — with the tax you would normally pay ( at 25 per cent basic rate ) going to charity , instead of to the Inland Revenue .
15 There is , of course , great competition to be the last to lay , and the privilege is taken by the dominant female .
16 Commonly the prescriber will be fairly familiar with the remedies and will ‘ just know ’ the remedy as the case is taken or may only need to look up one or two symptoms to confirm the remedy .
17 After the psychological hyperrealism of the early chapters of Ulysses , the text is taken over by a bewildering variety of voices and discourses — parodic , travestying , colloquial , literary : newspaper headlines , oratory , women 's magazines , pub talk , operatic songs , encyclopaedia articles , and so on ; while the narrative level of the text is full of gaps , non sequiturs , anticlimaxes , and unsolvable enigmas , and the chronological order of events is broken down and rearranged by the operations of memory and the association of ideas in the consciousness of characters .
18 The ban is to take effect after six months , allowing merchants time to liquidate their existing stocks .
19 Sometimes the decision is taken out of the woman 's hands anyway , as when the family home is sold because children have finished their education and an ex-husband is within his legal rights to ask for his share .
20 Something happens within the company and the decision is taken to send out a release .
21 Economic conditions in Europe at the time when the decision is taken will be crucial in determining whether that will be achievable .
22 I hope that Germany , which has stood firmly in favour of a common foreign and security policy in the intergovernmental conferences that have just concluded and in the discussions on this week 's Maastricht treaty , will listen to its own exhortations and ensure that , whenever the decision is taken on recognition , it is made collectively , not unilaterally .
23 Addressing the Assembly on June 25 Havel declared : " I share the view that the state of uncertainty can not be prolonged for ever and the sooner the decision is taken the better .
24 Can cause paranoia , psychosis , sterility and flashbacks several years after the drug is taken .
25 The effects of a drug are dependent upon the relationship of three factors — the pharmacological properties of the drug , the mental state of the drug user , and the setting in which the drug is taken .
26 In current social usage the drug is taken intranasally or orally .
27 Each change of footing , then , can provide the occasion for a small " act of identity " whose linguistic consequences , if any , become part of the new context in which the interaction is taking place .
28 Thus it is sufficient to know the general location of the participants in order to interpret : ( 25 ) This city is really beautiful and to know the set of potential addressees in the situation in order to interpret : ( 26 ) You can all come with me if you like and to know when the interaction is taking place in order to know which calendar year is being referred to in ( 27 ) We ca n't afford a holiday this year We could formulate the distinction thus : gestural usages require a moment by moment physical monitoring of the speech event for their interpretation , while symbolic usages make reference only to contextual coordinates available to participants antecedent to the utterance .
29 Most of the chart is taken up by tired old album tracks , reissues , remixes — hardly value for money .
30 Unless a decision to the contrary is taken at the A.G.M. it has been decided to keep the subscription at the 1989-90 level , namely £5 .
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