Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] more " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the inability to have more than one ‘ page ’ open at the same time for cross-referencing is a definite limitation of the microfilm system for advice work .
2 In the Department of Trade and Industry case , reported above , junior staff were short of money and welcomed the opportunity to earn more through overtime .
3 ‘ Both John Emburey and Phil Tufnell have not bowled as well as they can but they must be given the opportunity to bowl more on these kind of turning pitches at home .
4 A more fruitful response would be to acknowledge the research which went into the arguments supporting the opinion , and make use of the opportunity to explain more clearly the Church 's position in the matter .
5 Just mating with a single female may be difficult enough and very few will have the opportunity to mate more than once a year .
6 The final year follows the same principles , whilst allowing students the opportunity to choose more specialized themes for study , particularly in the literature , thought and society of 19th and 20th-century France .
7 The Faculty of Music offers courses in History of Music to students from other faculties who , while they have no professional musical ambitions , would welcome the opportunity to become more informed about the subject .
8 The first guest tutor will advise on self-defence and I know you will all welcome the opportunity to become more ‘ Street-wise ’ at a time when attacks on women are so common .
9 Students gain valuable practical experience and have the opportunity to learn more about the range of careers available .
10 The experience of Aden had enabled Nizan to come to terms with his own personal development by providing him with the opportunity to understand more completely the political , social and cultural causes of his psychological disorientation .
11 By increasing the number of general meetings for members they would have the opportunity to feel more involved in and would make the organisation more democratic .
12 We do have the opportunity to get more involved with AR agencies because they actually ‘ belong ’ to the Scottish Amicable family .
13 He mentioned he often gets the coaching bug , I say Leeds should give him the opportunity to get more involved in that side now .
14 The caveman 's body may release all waste products , this immediately makes the body feel lighter and assists the caveman to run more quickly .
15 Many schools have , where possible , extended the provision to include more than one all-purpose Home Corner room , and sometimes children have a ‘ kitchen ’ , ‘ lounge ’ and ‘ bedroom ’ in which to play .
16 At the simplest level , the teacher shows the children how to receive the content of one another 's writing and ask questions which invite the writer to tell more about what she knows or wants to say .
17 It is typical of the Labour party that it loses sight of the possibility of being able to get better value for money and of being able to improve the extent to which and the way in which we can help people without always asking the taxpayer to fund more .
18 The momentousness of the decision to abandon more than 60 years of centralized state economic control was largely overshadowed , however , by the unresolved bitter arguments over how best to proceed .
19 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
20 To enable the user to make more effective use of the microcomputer , a device is needed for putting programs into the microcomputer quickly .
21 Even so , expenditure per student , admittedly only a rough guide , fell from £81 per student in 1890 to £38 in 1901 ; it was not unusual for the college to spend more on the gardens than on buying books .
22 If Dr Shakell Qureshi and Professor Michael Tynan discover her artery is too narrow , they will attempt to widen it with the metal tubes which will allow the blood to flow more easily into her lungs .
23 Moreover , as we have seen , the attempt to elicit more feminine aspects to a God ( or Christ ) otherwise conceived of as masculine is really beside the point as far as women are concerned .
24 The onus must now be on the industry to provide more secure machines and on users to make sure that their own security procedures ( including the simple step of locking office doors ) is unimpeachable .
25 The solution , claim racing 's blue-blooded interests , is to force the punter to pay more , either through a monopoly tote ( the Marquis 's wish ) or a higher levy ( the Jockey Club 's ) .
26 The aim of the scheme is to improve areas around building sites , making them cleaner and easier to negotiate , to encourage contractors working in the borough to use more environmentally-friendly materials and to be more energy efficient .
27 Thus , the observer can not simplify his task by asking the practitioner to go more slowly nor can he rely on the introspection of the skilled performer .
28 If the ball is above my feet , I grip down the club to feel more comfortable .
29 ‘ My son Michael rode him at Newcastle where they were second to Venture Capitalist and felt that a visor would help the horse to concentrate more , ’ said the trainer .
30 I crossed to the window to look more closely at a portrait of Victor 's mother .
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