Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Most of the eagles in the Cages have forgotten , for they can not bear to remember , and because of that even if the opportunity came they would not be able to return to their homesites .
2 On the other hand , when they do get the opportunity to strike they are lethal .
3 The Chinese , many of whom have friends in Hong Kong , do not have the opportunity to prove they are genuine refugees by taking part in a screening process .
4 Of those whose ideal holiday differs from the kind they usually take , the majority said they would like to go further afield , for example , to Australia , the Far East , Asia or the US for four to six weeks .
5 Out of approximately one hundred prospective overseas students I spoke with , the majority said they had little intention of returning to China unless conditions improved in all aspects of life in the near future , but they were vague about what they would do overseas once their initial period of advanced education was complete .
6 Twenty-two out of these 29 said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care ; the remainder said they would like increased care at home .
7 The base says they need modernisation .
8 The last Hercules crash was more than 20 years ago and the base say they remain confident in the safety of the transporter plane .
9 Home-made wills do not always mean what the writer thinks they do .
10 But a spokesman for the board said they could no longer afford the costs of the small schools and the transfer charges were the lesser of the two .
11 The board saying they wanted to sell him will have made him think ‘ Why not , no point hanging round where I 'm not wanted ’ .
12 For example if you had the London Mozart players here as we frequently did and frequently played to full houses , then even with a hundred percent house there was a subsidy required of something like seven or eight pounds per seat , in order to meet the cost of presenting that particular concert and we 've done it for years but sadly when we had to make cuts that was one of things the board decided they had to cut up they had to save money somehow .
13 Okay , now erm now what 's he supposed to be assessed by the board have they just said
14 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
15 Ah , they had the money to buy they had every they could afford
16 they have n't got the money have they ?
17 If partnerships find the case proven they should consider how the tensions towards fragmentation might be reduced and how they might come to be a better understanding of the responsibilities and common commitments which are essential in any decentralised organisation .
18 Yes , they have n't really looked after him in the field have they ?
19 Observation of zoo animals and the few accounts from naturalists in the field suggest they are a fairly stormy procedure , consisting of mock chases , vicious swipes of the female 's paw as well as obvious kisses and caresses .
20 As a by-product , with the experience gained they are now in a strong position to enter paid advice work .
21 I think we 've only got four which er this aircraft can fly or for the moment the three tornado F three bases and the one jaguar base er is the ministry says they 're looking at cutting back on those ?
22 Why on the , hm , why on the chart do they show it seventy one to a hundred and five ?
23 And erm on a job er on on an English railway starting with starting a factory out there and they are going to manage it she 's worried stiff you see because she says now er , Germany and Holland are starting to move in the recession and once they 're there if the recession comes they 'll tack up her husband immediately
24 Well that is it , not got the patience have they ?
25 When the storm broke they were literally in the front line , but they continued to stock The Satanic Verses and in many cases display it prominently .
26 The work will take around 15 months to complete , but the Vicar says they 're trying not to let it disrupt life at the Abbey .
27 As the driver spoke they crested a low ridge .
28 When the kill comes they usually all join in to wear their victim down .
29 An ‘ A ’ level Chemistry set of 15 students may contain six whose performances in a trial exam six months before the end of the course suggests they are unlikely to pass , and another two who seem to be on the borderline .
30 An independent charity , the association say they can only hope to continue this level of help to sporting organisations with the public 's support .
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