Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 Lucie McKenzie , speaking for Age Concern in Scotland , pointed out that about one third of elderly people did not claim the income support they were entitled to and therefore would not receive any extra money to help with additional heating costs .
2 And er they were courting and er my grandmother she was renting the the Park Front they called it in , Plas , in where the agricultural college is now .
3 Viewed overall , only half the minister 's members are now regarded as experienced in the park purposes they are appointed to present .
4 Apart from the vandalism problems they 've had , where whole trainload of cars have been stripped of the radios .
5 The fact that magnesium atoms are smaller than the calcium atoms they replaced has let to a reduction in the volume of the rock .
6 The CDP explored ways of countering what many of its members considered the continuing , excessive domination of the relationship by the subject boards , which were often — in spite of the tensions involved — seen in a more positive light by academic staff , appreciative of the peer contacts they entailed .
7 Gold and silver owe their nobility to the fact that unlike the base metals they retain their brightness and lustre for an indefinite period in a pure atmosphere .
8 Further development of the programme and of the role of the Community Mother is possible , though within the present structures there is a danger that it could become a mere extension of the health services , with the Community Mother as a low-waged employee , losing voluntary status , altering motivation and reducing their effectiveness as change agents , becoming as Gill Walt concludes about Community Health Workers in many countries , ‘ just another pair of hands ’ rather than the change agents they were claimed to be .
9 At the Paradise Club they come out fighting — with a set tailored to be brash and bruising .
10 The particles travel close to the speed of light and as they pass through the bending magnets they emit radiation , covering wavelengths typically from 0.1 to 106 nanometres , and collimated into the plane defined by the circular machine .
11 The various lines of dancers took the prefix of the cinema building they were appearing in .
12 In the warmth of the afternoon sunshine they took off their jackets and , hitching up their skirts to their knees , waded out into the water .
13 By strictly controlling the money supply they would restore sound finance and squeeze inflation out of the system .
14 Changing out of them would risk destroying the brand image they 've developed over 20 years .
15 The case studies they produce later form part of the curriculum at Crotonville , the company 's management-development school a few miles up on the Hudson river from New York .
16 And did you find that the text book they had to use , changed through the years or just the
17 In the opposite case where the market value was greater by 15 per cent or more than the theoretical value of the P/E ratio they found that shares underperformed the market .
18 Apple Computer Inc on Wednesday launches its first full-function servers , and with them hopes to persuade small- and medium-size businesses to buy from it all the computer equipment they need ; the new Workgroup servers can process data up to four times faster than Quadras , and although they will support alien machines , they are designed primarily for networks consisting mainly of Macintoshes ; the Workgroup Server Models 60 and 80 cost from $3,080 to $10,000 , the high-end Model 95 at $7,600 to $13,000 ; the 95 is out by the end of April the other two this summer ; the company also has a new Release 4.0 of its AppleShare file and print sharing software , and a high-end AppleShare Pro ; the company is also launching AppleTalk Connection for MS-DOS and Windows to enable cross communications between Macintosh and MS-DOS boxes in a network .
19 The week-long camps are sponsored by Digital Equipment Company , and are open to students aged from 14 to 17 years to give them practical experience of the computer applications they will come across when they take up their careers .
20 N do n't know that I know just the whisky barrels they were , a little I believe there was maybe a name for them .
21 They offer a challenge to any simplistic view of the relative skills of the ‘ lay ’ parent and the ‘ professional ’ teacher , by demonstrating that while parents may never be conscious of the teaching strategies they use to help their child acquire language , they are in a very important sense , their children 's teachers .
22 If there are any legal points of substance in the contract terms they should be dealt with by professionals .
23 The deck shapes they have achieved are excellent . ’
24 Under the kitchen floor they built a brick-lined store , so cleverly concealed that anyone lifting the floorboards in a random search would see only the earth beneath .
25 Moreover , they regard the A afarensis toes as comparatively short and say that Stern and Susman have been selective in the toe bones they analysed , concentrating on those from the largest specimen .
26 This leads to a final consideration , namely whether politicians behave in the way Niskanen and others assume they do , either in their sensitivity to the costs and benefits of public expenditure or in their inability to obtain adequate information for the monitoring job they are required to do .
27 As for Dorrainge 's complaints , the camp site they had chosen was very good .
28 Sometime this year , when they find the five-bedroom house and 100 acres or so they want , they will take themselves and the building business they have run for 10 years down there permanently .
29 Cos the building lot they 're all going to a meeting at er Arsenal .
30 On the way , men working in a gang on the building site they passed would call out to him , ‘ Hello , Ken , ’ they would call .
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