Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can tell the hon. Gentleman with the full authority of my office and my responsibility for the programme that if one cuts £6 billion from the defence budget no defence job in the country will be safe .
2 In their ensemble , these practices and privileges afford the defence sector a considerable degree of protection from the vagaries of the economic system .
3 However it may be prudent in such a case to offer the defence expert the facility to administer questions in writing to which the plaintiff can respond if they so choose .
4 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
5 The existing rebate system is geared to the needs of the most vulnerable in society , but for those at the income margin the full impact of the tax charges are brought to bear at relatively low levels of income .
6 and in the Park Lands a nasty man
7 On the majority view the defendant was actually left free to work for a subsidiary of GUS which was not involved in the mail order business in the United Kingdom even though that would have been in clear breach of the restriction .
8 After the first landing and during the taxi back to the take-off point the thief would be dropped off .
9 Though Cranmer drew from many sources , it was his own touch which gave the Prayer Book the charm , perfection of form and expression which were to endow the Church of England for centuries with unity , strength and a way to the hearts of men .
10 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
11 I also wondered — I was only seven — if the fire had anything to do with Alf Norris and I looking into the boiler room the day before !
12 This generous depth , combined with a full-scale neck , a heavily arched back and a lightly-strutted belly , means that the guitar packs a lot more punch than it has any right to — more than a Martin 0–16 New Yorker , I 'd say , although that 's only from memory .
13 The activity of the calcium dependent NO synthase was found from the difference between the 1 4 C-citrulline produced from control samples and samples containing 1 mM ethylene glycol tetra-acetic acid ( EGTA ) ; the activity of the calcium independent enzyme was determined from the difference between samples containing 1mM EGTA and samples containing 1 mM EGTA and 1 mM L-NAME .
14 Is the dive computer the result of a fiendish plot by manufacturers to relieve the diver of hard earned cash ?
15 The I think the erm the main point that I 'd like to make is that erm the structure as it 's posed erm is for the same number of staff erm , however , the three , what were supervisory stroke managerial posts erm have changed , we feel , as a result of the merger and therefore , and there are three er little posts mainly , a head of , people called a head of and a head of the support , support a support services manager and a support services officer and erm the appendix details the main er , functions in each post , er those posts .
16 At the Link Centre a four-day residential study was arranged for deafened people who were finding tinnitus a major handicap .
17 9. — ( 1 ) It shall be the duty of the Funding Council — ( a ) to keep proper accounts and proper records in relation to the accounts ; ( b ) to prepare in respect of each financial year of the Funding Council a statement of accounts ; and ( c ) to send copies of the statement to the Secretary of State and to the Comptroller and Auditor General before the end of the month of August next following the financial year to which the statement relates .
18 ( 2 ) In appointing members of the Funding Council the Secretary of State — ( a ) shall have regard to the desirability of including persons who appear to him to have experience of , and to have shown capacity in , the provision of further education ( within the meaning of section 1(5) ( b ) of the 1980 Act ) or to have held , and to have shown capacity in , any position carrying responsibility for the provision of such further education and , in appointing such persons , he shall have regard to the desirability of their being currently engaged in the provision of such further education or in carrying responsibility for such provision ; and ( b ) shall have regard to the desirability of including persons who appear to him to have experience of , and to have shown capacity in , industrial , commercial or financial matters or the practice of any profession .
19 On the base leg the captain took control of the aircraft and retarded the throttles .
20 Backers of Everett tried to counterattack , but were undermined when the Port of Everett , a regional economic development agency , inadvertently faxed to the base commission a draft of a letter hinting that the port could use the naval facilities for civilian purposes .
21 The wholesaler 's only sanction against non-cooperating members is to expel them from the group , whereas in the case of the variety multiples a recalcitrant manager can be quickly removed .
22 ‘ I saw Broom'ead goin' in the Galloway yard the ovver day , ’ she told the gathering .
23 Complaints being again on the trek south the Gulf of Aqaba ( the " Red Sea " here ) to clear Edom 's territory .
24 In the bottom-up approach the paragraphs are first collected , and the semantic net is built as the paragraphs are indexed .
25 The appeal court will only interfere if there is a significant divergence from the norm ; here again they allow the trial judge a margin of appreciation because that judge has seen the parties and heard the evidence .
26 He 'll devote precious time to help Alan the auditor access the department 's accounts .
27 The award caps an amazing 10 year streak of success for Clayton , aged 31 .
28 Keep the board level The board should be sailed in a position it is designed for — horizontal .
29 In the bending mode the sample , in the form of a small bar , is clamped firmly at both ends and the central point is vibrated by means of a ceramic drive shaft .
30 In the cinema foyer the two old ladies who run the cinema are both dispensing and receiving abuse from all sides as to the quality of the night 's offerings , Storm Over the Nile and Voodoo Woman .
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