Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] seem " in BNC.

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1 ( i ) negation : The double negative " unwilling without ( 2 ) , for example , suggests a contrast between the willingness that seems to be expected of Pemberton and the reluctance that his own circumstances force upon him .
2 He pulled something partly out of the sack and seemed to be peering at it .
3 Oddly , the think-tank that seems closest to catching the next intellectual wave is the one whose collapse seemed most logical a year ago .
4 Perhaps he was recovering from the loss of some great love — that at least made sense of the aimlessness that seemed to characterise him .
5 The environment that gave us opportunity was so dissimilar from that of the present as to seem more remote in time than it is .
6 If this has been true of the past , it is even more true of the present and seems likely to be truer still of the future .
7 Because of this , and because of its greater length , it would be more obtrusive in the context than Katherine Mansfield 's sentence , and would attach greater importance to the door-shutting than seems to be required .
8 He set out to launch a North American colony to which Catholics could retreat to avoid the discrimination that seemed to have become unalterably established in England and in New England .
9 But I could n't agree more with Philippa Davenport when she writes of the formality that seems to have overtaken marriage celebrations , particularly in England ( page 47 ) .
10 Marcus and the redhead were sitting on the settee and seemed quite happy with the racket .
11 They were the pioneers of a new human experiment in the West and seemed the men and women of the hour .
12 People were climbing down from the truck and seemed to be forming another queue .
13 The best known of the three bore the official name , dating from the 16th century , of Joueurs de violons , hautbois , saqueboutes et cornets , but was informally known as the 12 Grands hautbois du roi ; also attached to the Ecurie ( the king 's stables ) were the six Hautbois et musettes de Poitou , the ensemble that seems to have provided the winds for Les nopces de village .
14 The pain of the body and the greatness of the soul are equally balanced throughout the composition of the figure and seem to cancel each other out .
15 Night had invaded the heavens , closing around the waxworks like a black fist as impenetrable as the umbra that seemed to fill every inch of the museum .
16 Concede goals on the break and seem incapable of surviving the few moments in a match that we are under pressure .
17 He fiddled with the buckle of the rein and seemed undecided about his next move .
18 He was facing the window and seemed to be in a state of dreamy somnolence .
19 She even thought he looked vaguely familiar , but then she realised it must be the type that seemed familiar .
20 Everyone shuddered , dreading the fate that seemed in store for them .
21 Because of poor distance vision , children may miss much of what is going on in the classroom and seem ‘ out of step ’ with the rest of the class .
22 What , then , of the sexism that seems to be built into language itself ?
23 We were talking I think this is the thing about clawback , er this year our erm receipts taken into account are two point three eight million as opposed to last year er this is taken into account we drew four hundred and seventy five thousand , that 's a huge jump erm the government by in telling us we can send this er this er what I call minuscule carrot erm this year er the capital receipts from November last year until December next year erm a anyone had undoubtedly for most of that back in the in in the use er er a grant and I think it , as the government have actually kept extremely quiet on this subject , that seemed to be the scenario that seems most likely to happen .
24 They consistently held the initiative but seemed overwhelmed by the vision of victory and , when they twice had it in their grasp , they froze .
25 It was inevitable that the actor that seemed to epitomise the new Hollywood of the late sixties should work with one of the most fashionable filmmakers attuned to young audiences .
26 The excitement persisted as she worked beside Silas , making her acutely aware of his masculinity and of the vitality that seemed to ooze from every pore of his body .
27 This last item did much to restore the confidence that seemed to have deserted me in the previous few months .
28 The point that seems to have struck him is the total opposition between son and father , Ingeld/Ingjaldr and Fróda/ Fróthi .
29 The point that seems to be forgotten what Charles is that there was a meeting last month
30 I think I probably speak for er quite a few people in the audience at the moment but I myself who intimidated going in there cos of the clientele that seems to be attracted to it .
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