Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] what " in BNC.

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1 He let the fresh air clear the wine fumes from his head and , dropping all pretence , began to question the porter on what he had hinted earlier .
2 It lacks the grandeur of Macbeth 's earlier apocalyptic image of pity , Yet it is no less the response to what Macbeth knows to be his ‘ horrid deed ’ .
3 This obviously reduces the income below what it would have been had he been able to hold the assets directly .
4 She wondered then , since Ven was proving so elusive , whether she should take the opportunity on what she estimated would be just under a hundred-mile drive to Prague to get in there with some of Cara 's questions .
5 Go down Via Francesco Sforza , and look out for the façade of the church of San Giovanni in Conca , the majority of what remains of a church that once stood in Piazza Missori .
6 Just to convince us that all these things that he tells us about are somehow present , to convince us of the heinousness of what he 's done .
7 The ideology of what it was proper for women to do remained largely untouched .
8 Gate income wo n't exactly increase either over the remainder of what appears to be a relegation season .
9 1988 , etc. ) , there was a tendency to acquiesce in this conventional wisdom and all that went with it : the reduction of what ought to be a complex and multi-faceted debate to the simple adversarialism of ‘ formal ’ versus ‘ informal ’ , ‘ didactic ’ versus ‘ exploratory ’ , teacher as ‘ instructor ’ versus teacher as ‘ facilitator ’ , rote learning versus ‘ discovery ’ , ‘ subjects ’ versus ‘ integration ’ , class teaching versus group work , ‘ traditional ’ versus ‘ progressive ’ , ‘ bad practice ’ versus ‘ good ’ .
10 Bearing in mind that 500,000 Nepalese soldiers served with the British forces in the two world wars , that no fewer than 50,000 were either killed or seriously wounded , that 13 won Victoria Crosses , that 13 British officers serving with the Gurkhas also won Victoria Crosses , and that under ’ Options for Change ’ we are proposing to reduce the number of Gurkhas from 8,000 to 2,500 , can my hon. Friend assure the House that the Foreign Office will take into account the reduction in what amounts to aid , currently provided through pay and pensions , in its future plans for aid to Nepal ?
11 On the latter point , the hon. Gentleman is well aware of what was said at the time of the Barlow Clowes affair , following an investigation by the ombudsman into what was seen to be a unique set of circumstances .
12 The complexity of what needed to be done to give the scheme a chance of success was pushed aside , and Sri Lanka seems likely to end up the poorer , with the poorest suffering most .
13 POSC believes non object-oriented methods of integrating data can take weeks or months — if it 's done at all due to the complexity of what 's involved .
14 Notice , however , the complexity of what the child reader has to process .
15 In both cases the model is a device which reduces the complexity of what is represented , by selectively reproducing only those details which are deemed significant or useful for the purpose at hand .
16 The complexity of what is often misleadingly called the ‘ Darwinian revolution ’ can be judged by surveying the mixed fortunes of the theory of natural selection .
17 Again Cowley took the picture , and smiled ; but his mind was racing , searching for the link between what Roz had said and the image he held of a man , killed in a car crash .
18 The link between what are referred to as ‘ sexual anarchists ’ ( for example , David Tribe of the National Secular Society ) and ‘ political anarchists ’ ( for example , the publishers of the LRSB ) is one that is frequently made in Mrs Whitehouse 's writings .
19 Although this meant that the investigation required a further step to make the link with what was happening in practice , it also implied that the systemic information base would remain valid even if changes took place to the form of the actual information items .
20 But in recognizing the authority of ‘ Be aware ’ as absolute we run up against that imbalance of the organism in the direction of what pleases it , by which it spontaneously expands awareness in one direction by contracting it in others .
21 Just before dawn the sound of a voice singing came over the darkened expanse of what had once been the Residency compound from the direction of what had once been the Cutcherry .
22 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
23 We 're also , now that we have er erm the , the council 's actually hung , but now we have the , the Labour Group largely in control of the direction of what 's happening in the city er we 've been able to raise some issues that were extremely difficult to raise under the previous Tory administration .
24 In an interview last month Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison said that technical advances now make it possible to create relatively inexpensive public databases , with telephone companies acting as the backbone for what he termed ‘ a huge emerging market , ’ enabling subscribers to store and recall voice messages and receive what he calls ‘ home mail ’ electronically , and that by matching the latest parallel processors with Oracle 's software , new data services could deliver information at a tenth the current cost .
25 He used it in his study of primitive religion , and in his study of the change from what he called mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity .
26 The change from what she was to what she has become is a vast one .
27 Still , I do not wish in what follows to forego the support of what must seem to be the good sense of our natural empiricism , which is independent of philosophy .
28 The position on Euro Cities also is that we , and unfortunately are the leading European cities that are involved in promoting good initiatives on the expertise of what exists within , be it economic development , be it equal opportunities policies , we are promoting this city and the benefit of getting those grants and having those foresight of putting officers into Brussels means that is being invited by other cities within Europe and Eastern Europe to develop links based on what our expertise is .
29 The non-affirmation of what is negative An example might be the following .
30 The war suddenly incited the full force of Russian nationalism , and Lenin 's emphasis changed to the struggle against what he called ‘ Great Russian Chauvinism ’ .
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