Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She says I put the tag in here .
2 As he sorted out the porter with amazingly fluent Spanish , Perdita noticed he was wearing a bomber jacket with US Open printed on the back .
3 On legal aid there is not clear recognition amongst the major commercial firms of the need to deploy much of the substantial funding that they provide in large measure for the profession in the defence at once of the legal aid scheme and of legal aid practitioners .
4 When pressed by the defence on how he could see what was happening in the dark the man replied : ‘ I was reared without lights .
5 they were in one sense still asleep and unable to know about their sexual organs , using the defence of not knowing against an anxiety aroused by the prospect of copulation .
6 The educative process has to begin sufficiently early in a person 's life for it to have any real effect on attitudes , and I believe the challenge has to have the response of both parents and schools .
7 This will be done primarily by evaluating the response of both demand and supply to tax changes in the past .
8 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
9 This emergency centre in Oxford was set up to coordinate the response to just such an incident .
10 When these two factors are put together , it is readily understandable that a request that treatment should cease should be seen as not really meant , but as merely the response to either a passing mood or a loss of mental fitness .
11 When injected with heparin there was a normal fertilization-induced calcium transient , whereas the response to either GTP- γ S or InsP 3 was inhibited .
12 A second level of analysis of state variability is the response to much more short-term balances of political forces and economic conjunctures .
13 Most of the research is concerned to explore in some detail the response to visually presented sequences of light flashes , where these sequences form patterns .
14 These two components were clearly demonstrated in Xenopus oocytes , in which the response to gradually increasing doses of InsP 3 began with localized elevations of calcium ( hot spots ) which then transformed into regenerative waves .
15 It has become an important aspect of the response by both government and individual older workers to the current continuing economic recession in the labour market .
16 So this example here we might find that that matches that matches we get a response of two from here and we get a response less than the response from here and the same response from this .
17 Young points out that this means the victimisation of over 20 per cent of respondents is still unknown and that such a large proportion could easily skew findings from the surveys .
18 You 'll probably find her in the tent over there — or perhaps that one . ’
19 There were tears on the unremarkable face of Mrs Phipps , but she had made no sound , from the minute of entering the tent until now .
20 I could see the tent from here , pitched in a hollow not far from the broch wall .
21 The involuntary nature of Keynesian unemployment arises , as we saw earlier , from the inability of either workers or employers directly to exert the downward pressure on the real wage rate that was required by the marginal productivity theory of the demand for labour .
22 There are amusing archaeological records in the nineteenth century of the inability of even trained artists to record what they saw ; Assyrian figure sculptures , for example , were recorded as having unmistakably classical Greek features by an artist in the employ of the archaeologist Sir Henry Layard .
23 The inability to speedily and correctly diagnose aircraft system and component failures because good diagnostic skills are in short supply leads to departure delays and possible compromises in safety .
24 There 's the park in there ,
25 And the addition of commercially manufactured ‘ scratching-posts ’ to the indoor furniture rarely seems to solve the problem .
26 Whatever Churchill may have said , most of Labour 's leaders were less ambitious , demanding only the addition of steeply progressive taxation to the existing apparatus of wartime control of industry .
27 It can be varied by the addition of freshly chopped herbs , mustard powder , lemon juice or garlic , or indeed by using a nut oil or a flavoured vinegar .
28 ‘ If you consider that out of the 1,800 listed companies the top 200 account for 85 per cent of the equity market by market capital , and that once you get to the next 100 companies like ourselves they already have comparatively few qualified people in the finance function , the addition of equally qualified internal audit people looks like overkill . ’
29 When one Landau level is full , the addition of just one more electron puts the Fermi energy EF , at the bottom of the next level , and the decrease of the Hall voltage should continue with imperceptible disturbance .
30 This is one of the reasons why the addition of quite small amounts of the wrong impurity can ruin an alloy .
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