Example sentences of "[art] [adj] may [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 If the owner agrees to the appropriation , the accused may not be dishonest .
2 However , the worst may not be over for the embattled Chancellor .
3 Selling houses to the poor may not be compatible with minimising the losses to taxpayers , which requires selling assets at the best price available .
4 The national data on use of services by age may indeed not truly reflect needs of individuals at different ages ; there is , after all , evidence of rationing by age , so the elderly may not get the health care they need .
5 The latter may not realise in a coherent way what is afoot , but it knows that the duty of a government is to provide law and order and senses that it is not deploying its resources to do so .
6 The Keynesian concludes , therefore , that an increase in the money supply would not have a marked effect on economic activity since : ( a ) the money supply only influences economic activity indirectly via interest rates , and the latter may not be significantly affected anyway because all parts of the financial market bear the burden of adjustment ; and ( b ) investment expenditures may not be very sensitive to changes in interest rates .
7 The multiple orgasm in the woman and rapid recovery of erection after ejaculation in the man were " discovered " by popular writers a few years ago and plugged relentlessly ; yet in the woman one violent orgasm may outweigh several minor ones or the latter may not even be invariably desired , while in the man a rapid re-erection is often physically impossible ( in the more virile youngster it usually takes half to three-quarters of an hour , in the older man anything up to 24 , but there is wide variation between individuals and in differently stimulating situations ) .
8 The latter may not involve the two antagonistic classes of the sphere of production , but can involve struggle within such economic classes , reflecting the particular divisions of the social formation , such as generation , gender , race , religion , region , nation and so forth .
9 But while the latter may not have a material impact on competition , they do nevertheless contribute to an incremental drift of decision-making power to a steadily diminishing number of companies .
10 The Chinese may not be the force they were , but they still beat England easily in the last match at Bletchley Sports Centre this week — good match it was too .
11 The imaginative may not unreasonably see in these actions the source of communal meal-taking in man and its importance to social life and ritual .
12 But in fact the worse may not yet be over .
13 Clients equate reward potential with risk , a fact dealers exploit , but the two may not coexist proportionately .
14 The problem is that the two may not change in tandem ; the first may need to change rapidly , while the latter change only slowly if at all .
15 The po-faced and the pious may not find that funny , but to hear him tell it and keep a straight face is a considerable feat .
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