Example sentences of "[art] [adj] time [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 For the longest time everyone thought that people in bands were puppets and idiots .
2 The first time had been in anger — the second time something very different .
3 In 20 years as headmaster this is only the second time something like this has happened and the previous incident was even smaller . ’
4 Just at the present time everything looks so fresh .
5 Now I do n't detect in the work of the er panel on doctrine up to the present time anything which tackles
6 Her mind refused to believe that anything could happen the first time one had intercourse .
7 The first time one addresses an instructor , one should call him sifu , which means ‘ father ’ and is always applied to a Chinese kung fu instructor in accordance with the art 's long family traditions .
8 I 've been thinking about dragons all my life , but this is the first time one has turned up . ’
9 One looks at a star , one sees radiation from an object which may have a surface temperature of many thousands of degrees — in fact , internal temperatures of millions of degrees , but with a radio telescope one 's looking at very , very cold regions and these were totally inaccessible before the advent of radio astronomy , or of this type anyway , and for the first time one was able to see material spread between the stars rather thinly , but in fact in a very cold state .
10 It was that for the first time something illogical had crept into her world .
11 What I did get away with was arguably worse than murder , and revealed for the first time something of what I was letting myself in for by getting involved with Karen Parsons .
12 It was made easier for companies to set up their own schemes and for the first time everyone would be given the right of a personal pension of their own .
13 It 'll be the first time somebody fucking kick in the head !
14 This must be the first time anybody has been profiled in current editions of both Climber & Hill Walker and Homes & Gardens .
15 ‘ This is the first time anything unusual has happened here since Goering occupied the building in 1940 , ’ one veteran observer was heard to remark .
16 Afterwards her mother said that was the first time anyone in the family had defended her .
17 It is the first time anyone connected with the Marcos pictures has been criminally charged .
18 It was the first time anyone had heard him swear .
19 ‘ It 's the first time anyone from the Northern region has won this competition which makes it even more special , ’ he said .
20 In many cases it was the first time anyone had explained to the man in the trench that there is more to his job than laying pipes !
21 Thus , if it is the first time someone tells you a particular genre of joke , you may not know the appropriate type of response .
22 The only time anyone other than Alan helped me was when Andy Norman , via John Bicourt , found me someone who helped me with my back problems .
23 ‘ Nowadays the only time anyone orders champagne is if it is their birthday , ’ mourned Mr Mongiat .
24 Taken in the context of the larger narrative , it is one of the most tragic chapters in all Scripture , and at the same time one charged with high hope .
25 But at the same time one can not help feeling that Proofs is the kind of story that would have been better off as a three-page essay in Granta .
26 At the same time one must also recognise the importance of recreating other habitats such as wooded areas and ponds .
27 At the same time one may suspect that , despite these occasional ambitions , whether revolutionary or reformist , journalists , novelists and sociologists are typically analysts rather than practitioners .
28 At the same time one only has to turn to earlier and outstanding performances by Brendel ( Philips ) and Zimerman ( DG ) to hear how true greatness is possible without resort to so much self-conscious sifting and analysis .
29 And at the same time one is aware of the painter 's sympathy , of the validity of his human values ; two of the best ( no 17 and no 28 — both market scenes ) are surprisingly moving . ’
30 It is rather like working with people from other countries ; there may be good communication at one level , but at the same time one has the sense of the difference of cultures .
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