Example sentences of "[art] [adj] will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Only the strong will survive .
2 We can then fit into the convention binding agreements on subjects like energy efficiency and forestry , as the science and the political will come into balance . ’
3 The Agreement sets out parallel texts to the existing provisions on Social Policy in the Treaty of Rome which the eleven will apply in deciding social matters .
4 Well if it came over his house th oh of course , next to the that will have been empty for a few years so
5 Binary code compiled for the 80486 will run on Pentium with a 10% performance loss and binary compiled for Pentium will run on the 80486 .
6 Northumbria police said the eight will appear before magistrates in Sunderland , Tyne and Wear , this morning charged with causing criminal damage with intent to endanger life .
7 The eight will share only 1.5m shares between them , representing just 2.4% of the shares the company will have outstanding after the 5.1m share issue .
8 Most of the F1-11s will remain on active service at an airbase in the United States .
9 and the bloody will fly off wo n't it ?
10 Then the righteous will reply , ‘ Lord , when was it that we saw you hungry and fed you , or thirsty and gave you drink , a stranger and took you home , or naked and clothed you ?
11 It is only when the friends of the deaf demand a better deal that the deaf will get it .
12 The 9000s will support up to 4,500 users and include 112 I/O slots , 128Mb to 2Gb memory , and maximum disk storage of 600Gb .
13 The 500 will feature up to five processors and a high performance memory bus .
14 As Prime Minister , Rajiv Gandhi of India has pointed out the real practical problem is that the rich will evade very high rates of tax .
15 and the rich will buy a house in this area , like you have Embassy people
16 In Massachusetts William Gordon objected to the idea of confining political rights to the propertied : The rich will have enough advantage against the poor without political advantage .
17 The Hamstation-1041 will follow at £13,960 .
18 And even the unemployed will have to find five pounds a week , that 's two hundred and sixty pounds a year .
19 When you are a soccer club , giant or minnow , all you have to do is throw open the gates and the faithful will pour in .
20 The weavers were no doubt further inspired by their belief in the Islamic afterlife , which promises that the faithful will dwell in Paradise ( also the Persian word for garden ) .
21 A reading which is faithful to the writerly will avoid the closure of static structures ; reading a text in Barthesian terms does not lead to the construction of ‘ a Model ’ or a ‘ legal structure of norms or infractions ’ , a narrative or poetic law , but opens ‘ a perspective ( of fragments , of voices from other texts , other codes ) , whose vanishing point is nonetheless ceaselessly pushed back , mysteriously opened ’ ( p. 12 ) .
22 Severe actions may be sanctioned against Ireland because it is naturally cursed , or because it needs extreme measures to bring it the fruits of reformation ( desired by God ) , or because it holds some particular horror for England which the English will deserve unless they do something about it .
23 The English will have larger cannon than these merchanters carry , and could sink them before they could get within range .
24 The English will have to be back a week I think .
25 The English will get interpreted one way in the UK , differently in the US , and in other ways elsewhere .
26 The English will get interpreted one way in the UK , differently in the US , and in other ways elsewhere .
27 The bistable will set or reset — try it a few times .
28 Although it is a group undertaking , the residential will provide the means for students to be assessed and to assess themselves as individuals .
29 ‘ What do you think the British will do ? ’
30 The research has shown , for the first time , that the British will stop using cars if the bus fares are low enough .
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