Example sentences of "[art] [adj] than the " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the sample in the latter case would have to be a greater proportion of the total than the former .
2 The vapour is a mixture of the more volatile component A and the less volatile component B. The particles of the more volatile component have a greater tendency to escape from the liquid than the particles of the less volatile component .
3 More striking by the 1820s than the continuity of the theme of the incompatibility of slavery with a true moral and religious order was the much fuller expression than at the end of the eighteenth century of the precepts of economic liberalism as part of the antislavery appeal ; abolitionists now clearly departed from mercantilist policy assumptions .
4 The effect of the adjustment is greater in the lower than the higher grades , reflecting the fact that the mediating factors show progressive differences across the employment grades .
5 They found that of those males who reported acute sickness or chronic sickness without any limiting effect on activity , a larger proportion of the lower than the higher socio-economic groups consulted their doctors ; there was no consistent trend in the case of the females .
6 Derek Fraser 's The Evolution of the British Welfare State ( see n. 9 ) is a good general historical textbook but is stronger on the nineteenth than the twentieth century .
7 By looking at the diagram though , you will probably see that the smaller sleeve length is also narrower at the top than the measurements in your size .
8 By your expression , I judge that you suspect me of pseudo-intellectual flim-flam and it is undeniable that our deliberations tended more towards the sybaritic than the Socratic .
9 The smallness of the earth was arguably felt more vividly in the medieval than the modern system , for there was then an absolute standard of comparison — the immense size of the outermost sphere .
10 Though a topic for voluble discourse , it was less of a threat to the contented than the taxes that would have reduced it .
11 Even FD Roosevelt , he reminds us , had to tell lies about his fiscal intentions in order to get elected ( it is a pity the Labour Party did not see the proofs of this book ) ; and the famous fiscal deficit of the US , ‘ though a topic of voluble discourse ’ , was ‘ less of a threat to the contented than the taxes that would have reduced it ’ .
12 The results in Table 3 show that shadowing verbal material causes greater reduction in right field advantage with the verbal than the spatial tasks .
13 And if Turgenev were to object that one could not find a more typical product of the 1840s than the Petrashevsky Circle to which Dostoevsky belonged , how would the other man reply ?
14 The worst of the slimy pools of sweated and casual poverty were more likely to be filled by the native than the immigrant .
15 Another hypothesis is that in the competition between high parity infants and their siblings for maternal care , food and other resources , the toll is heavier upon the younger than the older children .
16 Subsequently McAdam and Whitaker ( 1971 ) demonstrated that prior to the production of various test words summed negative wave potentials were of greater magnitude over the left than the right hemisphere .
17 At the shortest duration ( 20 msecs ) subjects were unable to identify any words , but lexical decisions were more accurate in the left than the right visual field .
18 During placebo , the median amplitude of oesophageal contractions was higher in the proximal than the distal oesophagus ( 35.0 mm Hg ( 19–53 ) v 26.8 mm Hg ( 13–54 ) , p<0.05 ) in the upright period .
19 During the upright period , contraction amplitude was higher in the proximal than the distal oesophagus , which contrasts with healthy volunteers and may indicate a reduced contractile force of the distal oesophagus and thus impaired acid clearing in patients with reflux oesophagitis .
20 That Nicholas was far more concerned about the domestic than the international repercussions of the 1848 revolutions is evident from the much greater dynamism of his domestic behaviour .
21 why , erm , at Dawn 's we erm done this thing , and it was sort of , there was four sides of it and it was one , then there was two inside , well there was one at the back , erm , Henry and Mrs said when you get these back you 'll see what you 've got , and people , she said , people who have got over twenty of er , the better than the people who are lower and I got twenty one
22 This in reality does n't have to be so ; for happiness is in the grasp of everyone , rich or poor ; in fact more in the grasp of the poor than the rich .
23 As everyone is to pay an equal amount , the burden of tax will fall far more heavily on the poor than the rich .
24 Because of inflation , real food prices in the great majority of Latin American countries were higher at the end of the 1970s than the beginning .
25 A log rank test analysis showed survival was significantly better in the 1970s than the 1980s ( χ 2 2 1 =8 , p<0.05 ) .
26 A brief account of Bourdieu 's notion of ‘ habitus ’ provides an example of how we might assimilate the apparent paradox of an external physical world which is nevertheless in a more immediate relationship with the unconscious than the world of articulate symbolism .
27 When some of us are small we hear a great deal of criticism , more of the negative than the positive .
28 The other three more closely fit the latter than the former model : Mrs Mitchell 's daughter wanted her mother admitted permanently to the local psychiatric hospital ( knowing that she would not be eligible for residential care because of the severity of her condition ) ; but she also added — ‘ not that I do n't want her at home too — I love my mother — it 's just that the strain is too much for me ’ .
29 But it may be a lot more useful for the latter than the former .
30 As they use much thinner weft than warp strands , more knots are tied on the vertical than the horizontal axis .
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