Example sentences of "[art] [adj] and be " in BNC.

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1 The original north transept of Pershore Abbey collapsed in the 1680s and was never rebuilt .
2 Threads of spider silk are between 0.01 and 2 microns thick , depending on the spider making them and the purpose for which they are intended — the gossamer sheets of Textrix employ some of the finest and are probably the only webs that could hold water .
3 The black " marble " was considered the finest and was quarried at Arten Gill and at Binks Quarry below Great Coum .
4 The centre portion is the largest and is surmounted by the shallow cupola on an octagonal drum carried on squinches with four arches below .
5 Events have also shown that in this day and age the exercise of a right to silence affords protection for the guilty and is unnecessary to safeguard the innocent .
6 ‘ Farrar was the first real researcher into the history of teaching the deaf , and unearthed many previously unknown items of literature about the deaf and was largely responsible for building up Oxley 's Library of the Deaf ( this Library was largely fragmented after Oxley 's death , and many rare articles and books disappeared ) .
7 Chris believes the Bay Horse was first a pub in the 1560s and was also a coaching inn .
8 The bell tower dates from the eleventh-century and is the oldest in the Lombardy Romanesque style that still exists .
9 Planning had been his cri de coeur as a Tory rebel in the thirties and was the cornerstone of his political testament , The Middle Way , first published in 1938 .
10 The Party was particularly concerned with gaining influence among the unemployed and was working with the NUWM as early as 1931 .
11 They were established in increasing numbers from the 1830s and were of varying size and kind .
12 Now it 's an industrial and commercial centre which thrived during the 80s and is feeling the recession in the 90s .
13 This last alloy is the cheapest and is the material that most vexes suppliers .
14 They admit they are not the cheapest and are unable to quote average prices .
15 Admit when they are in the wrong and be ready to apologize .
16 This new cultural leadership was articulated in terms of a spiritual character or aura which would elicit consent on the part of the governed and was of immense influence for the early development of the institutionalized discipline of English studies .
17 For , as the speed of light rushed down upon her , she heard , in the untimeable pause between the upbeat of Fenna 's wings and their down swoop , she heard the singing of the spheres , the harmony of the universe which turns , turns , turns in the atom and in the infinite and is unmoved in its own movement and is all one single force .
18 So that 's the end of the guiding and being guided . ’
19 Discussion of the inter-war years usually centres on industrial change , but North Shields resembles the rest of the North East here in that while it is true that the 1920s saw a good deal of structurally induced unemployment which reflected the position of traditional basic industries , and the 1930s saw the impact of work recession , these same basic industries began to recover in the run up to the Second World War in the mid-1930s and were to remain basic to the area until the early 1960s .
20 This applies to some extent to the present posture of some of the leading cadres who prefer the old and are in substance quite incapable of integrating in the reform processes , and who , moreover , refuse to accept them either politically or psychologically . "
21 I am dying to that old life , to that old self and I am following in this new life , and therefore , I am going through this , this symbolic act of being baptized , of dying to the old and being raised a new life in Jesus Christ .
22 The few-branched forms , which include the Order Graptoloidea or planktonic graptoloids , were derived from the dendroids at the base of the Ordovician and were successful and prolific until the early Devonian .
23 The sort of windows that need little or nothing in the way of treatment are usually narrow slits of glass , small ovals , round , arched , stained and etched glass windows that only show a glimpse of the outside and are often unopenable anyway .
24 Bibby joined the council immediately after the child care crisis of the mid-80s and was responsible for various changes essential to the organisation , introducing new child care services and revising structures .
25 The language in which he makes inferences itself built its vocabulary by similar naming of the similar and was learned by mimicking other speakers .
26 The 20-year-old lightweight , from manager Peter Reid 's home town of Liverpool , scored the first , made the second and was always trouble for Leeds .
27 One of this periodical 's editors , the radical journalist Nikolai Chernyshevskii , had been behind the publication of Kavelin 's work in The Contemporary and was finding many subtle and not so subtle ways to advance reform in the St Petersburg press .
28 It remained on earth as a manifestation of the deceased and was depicted as a bird with a human head .
29 The defendant shot the deceased and was charged with murder .
30 Not for nothing had she made all those journeys with her employers — she now showed herself to have a familiarity with timetables quite out of the ordinary and was able to spot at once where a connection could be made .
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