Example sentences of "[art] [adj] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The nightmare of conductive education is unachievable because nowhere in human history have the different been turned into the normal and neither medical science nor other rehabilitative techniques or educational Interventions can assist in this process .
2 Now there 's no need to learn all of the tables erm er what I will do is if you want any more lessons I 'll do you some special tables cut down so you only have to learn about half the normal and then you 'll know them all cos if you know two sixes .
3 Although most of our Nursery pupils do go on to the Junior and subsequently to the Senior School at Heriot 's , transfer is not automatic .
4 In the seventeenth century the broad water of the Thames was used far more than the narrow and often bad roads for practical transport and festive occasions .
5 Above were three correspondingly small bedrooms , two of which looked out on the narrow and often gloomy street .
6 The grandest and perhaps latest of them , the lower fragment from Delos , the first truly impressive piece of Greek sculpture , shows a beginning in knee and thigh and genitals ( and from the side in the powerful buttocks ) ; but it is not only weathering that makes , in the upper fragment , the relation of shoulders , breast and arms so wholly inorganic — it is the same in the little bronze fig. 13 .
7 In the owner-occupied and privately rented housing sectors old people do not often have the means or the energy to make use of improvement grants .
8 One of the nicest and most original features of the game is that while Doodle can take out the enemy by simply throwing his pencils , he can also use them to draw the bonuses or weapons he needs .
9 Her claims to be heard are based on her spiritual topic matter and the historical accident that she writes at a time when she believes more has been revealed about the divine and therefore she possesses ‘ more information ’ than previously .
10 Dress underwrites not only class differences but national and racial ones also , and Perkins has harsh words for those who adopt the fashion of other countries : ‘ this one sinne is so common among us , that it hath branded our English people with the blacke mark of the vainest and most newfangled people under heaven ’ ( p. 211 ) .
11 The rigidities and continuities of the planning and design process may constrain ability to deal with the unanticipated and often press purpose built systems into unlikely roles .
12 The main reason why the long-run Phillips curve may have a negative slope is that workers may continue to suffer from money illusion in the long-run and so be prepared to accept money wage increases which fall short of the actual inflation rate .
13 Their abolition increases costs , encourages an over-proliferation of uneconomic developments , stifles the mobility of the poorest and generally inhibits rational urban planning .
14 The Treasury has responsibility for the health of the economy ; the Social Services Department has responsibility for some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the country .
15 Helped by a battery of mutualistic protozoa , bacteria and fungi , they have mastered the nutritional and energetic problems of surviving in some of the poorest and most indigestible foodstuffs , from dead logs to soil humus .
16 On certain days , it was said , a tramcar of unusual design was seen circulating slowly along the lines which passed through the poorest and most deprived slums in the city .
17 Among the poorest and most deprived groups are the homeless , refugees , people without jobs , and elderly people living in social isolation .
18 We believe it is quite wrong for the Government to deny access to justice to many of the poorest and most vulnerable in our society .
19 I could list many individual examples of how the tax has treated the poorest and most vulnerable in society .
20 They affect the poorest and most vulnerable families in the land .
21 The aggregate membership of 704,350 was 8 per cent of the population , but few of these were recruited from the poorest and most vulnerable class of rural labourers .
22 Unemployment is not equally distributed among all groups in society but is concentrated among some of the poorest and least powerful in the labour force and in society as a whole .
23 These regions are still amongst the poorest and least developed in Yugoslavia .
24 Soviet influence , moreover , was overwhelmingly concentrated among the poorest and least important countries in terms of population and GNP , whose support was often more of a liability than an asset ; the world 's major military and industrial powers , by contrast , were all allied or aligned with the United States .
25 Despite the fact that indigenous peoples are the majority of the population in some countries , they tend to be among the poorest and politically weakest sectors of society .
26 Apart from a cameo role in the ill-fated and so far unreleased Bloodhounds of Broadway , she has not taken a film role since the poorly conceived Shanghai Express and Who 's That Girl .
27 Horace Walpole describes the effect of walking through the grotto into the garden in language that both recalls Eloisa to Abelard and anticipates descriptions in the Gothic novel : ‘ The passing through the gloom from the grotto to opening day ; the retiring and again assembling shades ; the dusky groves , the larger lawn , and the solemnity of the termination at the cypresses that led up to his mother 's tomb , are managed with exquisite judgement . ’
28 He saw the house as it had once been , in his childhood — still , ordered , each thing in it the finest and most beautiful example of its kind .
29 The company , founded by Ted Hood , has perfected the concept of efficient furling and reefing systems linked to the finest and most aesthetic masts and rigs in the world .
30 The Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English is undoubtedly the finest and most comprehensive reference book available to help the advanced learner to meet this challenge and learn to use natural , colloquial English with confidence .
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