Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [subord] say " in BNC.

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1 This is the same as saying that reality can be altered by perception , and that the problem will go away if we cease to think of Germany as a country .
2 Of course , this is not the same as saying that the rich and powerful never get prosecuted : there are many specific cases which illustrate this point , and which are generally well publicised .
3 Because I do n't think wages for housework is the same thing as saying that when women have to give up their jobs when their kids are little , or if there are n't no nurseries , that they should have bigger family allowances , that is n't the same as saying wages for housework , is it ?
4 ‘ Your reasoning ’ , he says , ‘ is the same as saying that we can get a rose through planting a noxious weed …
5 His readings of heroic poems made him especially scornful of the notion that to say ‘ evil must be fought ’ is the same as saying ‘ might is right ’ .
6 Tritium has a 12.3 year half-life , which is the same as saying that 5.5 per cent of its atoms decay each year .
7 ( Saying that two sentences can have matching assent/dissent conditions is the same as saying that they can be stimulus-synonymous . )
8 Some five miles further south , the road beside the Saison forks , which is the same as saying that the valley of the Saison divides .
9 That is n't the same as saying I do n't know who they were .
10 Note : Saying that an operator is reversible is not the same as saying that it is an invertible function on the set of states .
11 This is more or less the same as saying that theme normally precedes rheme .
12 This is the same as saying information delivered in a particular form is more useful in certain applications than in others .
13 Well that 's not quite the same as saying it is n't true , if I can just push you on that a little bit , you
14 That 's not the same as saying it is n't true is it ?
15 it is n't necessary , well it is the same as saying it is n't true , it is n't necessary er because this will be built up over a period and it will be for er the Government in all the normal ways in the public expenditure round to decide how much goes into the passenger franchises and through that therefore into the Briti the Rail Track investment .
16 I only eat at the Vetch-Retch these days when someone else is paying , which is much the same as saying when England wins at cricket .
17 Erm , that is n't necessarily the same as saying by the way your section will have to repeat that saving in future years .
18 It 's the same as saying should we have a diesel engine or a petrol engine because a diesel engine is less than inflammable fuel-wise than petrol and I think these issues should be raised .
19 This is , in practice , the same as saying that the obligation of confidentiality will not be enforced where the information concerned does not include a trade secret or its equivalent ( see Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 724 ) .
20 Which is just the same as saying eighteen divided by three equals something .
21 ( This is no more than to say that , within the operation of articulation processes , production and consumption are inextricably tied together .
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