Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] she " in BNC.

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1 Me and Emma was talking about the flipping things she gets up to with Scott .
2 And now it was coming true , because he was smiling … and she decided there and then that it was one of the nicest smiles she had ever seen .
3 Underneath the Islamic garments she was still an English convent girl .
4 And she would have little illusion about being able to save anything from the low wages she would receive from any of the available jobs .
5 Whatever was behind the insidious threats she had received was something she had to work out for herself .
6 Walking towards the station , having promised to bring back with her all sorts of expensive food items Tina had requested from Selfridges ' Food Hall , Cecilia thought how much she liked living on her own and that at seventy-six she was too old to have Jasper and Bienvida running around her , fond of them as she was , not to mention Tina 's boyfriends and the odd hours she kept and her lying in bed till noon .
7 She wanted to live with the foster parents she lived with at the age of two .
8 And Faye planned to show off the eight paintings she had done over the past four months , six of which featured Belinda and all of which were now professionally framed .
9 In the eight years she 's been showing the plants she 's won hundreds of awards .
10 However , she never once attempted to nibble at her daily offering of oats in all the eight weeks she spent at the stud .
11 I know about the strange stains she found
12 ‘ Just like a wet lettuce waiting for a plate , ’ she muttered , colouring at the strange looks she received .
13 The private parts she did n't know how to read ?
14 To occupy the intervening months she took a job in a hospital .
15 A woman might marry someone who reflects the emotional responses she had with her father .
16 There has been the feeling that the emotional outpourings she has drawn from her panellists have been inspired largely by the ‘ glamour ’ of television .
17 Anything to divert his attention , to prevent him from labelling her with the cruel names she 'd last heard on Marcus 's tongue .
18 Eleanor felt they were the funniest letters she 'd ever written ; Nigel brought out the best in her writing .
19 The dark tenement block loomed up on her left and through the broken windows she could see the reflection of the naked gas jets that burned on each landing .
20 A year later , she finished up in hospital , sick and disillusioned , rejected by the so-called friends she had picked up along the way .
21 It was strange , too , Anne thought , that everyone got on with their normal lives , in spite of the constant raids and disturbed nights , and had become used to seeing servicemen in so many different uniforms thronging the streets and the cinemas , and in the public houses she was sure , although she had never been in one .
22 ‘ She knew if she had attended one of the public services she would have been the centre of attention and the last thing she wanted was to be photographed as the woman alone .
23 She might not have been able to put into words the high hopes she held for her daughter but her actions spoke volumes .
24 At times , pressure on space meant we could not do justice to the work she did for us , but nevertheless she continued to keep up the high standards she set herself .
25 All the careful protections she 'd built over the years ?
26 The fact that Liz had also said Ross was kind , overwhelmingly generous , and one of the sexiest men she 'd ever met was not something that Laura wanted to think about at the moment .
27 Clive Greenacre was not only put out when his agoraphobic wife started to express her anger about his callous behaviour , but also amazed by the sexual demands she then started to make on him .
28 Robyn strolled up the shopping mall with its glass and fancy tiles and green lush plants , which gave it the strange appearance of a tropical jungle littered with high-street stores , and considered which one of the high-class boutiques she should enter first .
29 A design on this sort of scale would be worth ten times the run-of-the-mill jobs she had completed just recently .
30 As he pushed away the empty plates she waited for him to make some comment about the meal .
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