Example sentences of "[art] [noun] if [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As dawn breaks and your testosterone level lifts naturally to begin the day , the memories of the banquet if provided last night may be so powerful that you can hardly wait to begin again .
2 There are no tedious proposal forms to complete and cover is available instantly over the 'phone if required .
3 The corridor , amounting to about 40sq. miles , was needed to enable the NGC to make adjustments 200 metres either side of the route if needed for engineering or landscape reasons .
4 Mr Barr said : ‘ We can remove our hillside protest , but the pylons if built will ruin our countryside forever . ’
5 The pylons if built will ruin our countryside forever . ’
6 Ernie Walker , the SFA secretary , confirmed yesterday that there would be no objections from the authorities if United decide to go .
7 The Department of Education had been established by Jimmy Carter and during the 1980 campaign Reagan had declared his intention to abolish the department if elected .
8 For example the Labour party planned to abolish compulsory competitive tendering in the public sector although many managers would have still continued with the practice if convinced it brought efficiency gains .
9 Cotton wool was placed between rollers and the scalp at night to prevent rollers sticking into the head , thus disturbing sleep or making marks ( mostly lower socio-economic girls ) ; bathing the ears if pierced ( mostly lower socio-economic single girls ) .
10 I would n't care to offer advice to gamblers , because I 'm sure that people who bet on horses do things other than purely look at the odds the horse if offered at .
11 I shall be happy to speak about private sponsorship of the arts if asked .
12 Under this Act a child born alive , but suffering from a physical or mental defect as a result of something which happened before its birth , has a right of action for damages if the defendant would also have been liable in tort for what occurred to the parent if sued in time .
13 Therefore when , in 1926 , the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry ( largely at the instigation of William Beveridge , one of its members ) recommended the introduction of a system of children 's allowances financed by the mining industry itself but with a hint that it might be accompanied by a reduction in wage rates , the Miners ' Federation was only prepared to accept the proposal if financed out of general taxation .
14 These photocopies are likely to be seen by your counsel , experts and even the judge if contained in a trial bundle .
15 Picture quality is good ; if the format has a weakness , it is in the quality of the sound if recorded to the old ‘ mono ’ system which has a tendency to be slightly hissy .
16 Descent : Abseil down the mainland face , one full 165ft ( 50m ) abseil can be made to the plinth if taken from the pegs and slings placed on a ledge just below the summit .
17 It was that a significant proportion of the elderly population was an asset to the community if allowed to be economically active , but a burden , both to itself and to society , if forced to retire .
18 It is another U-turn by Mr Major after Tories attacked Labour 's plans to unfreeze the cash if elected .
19 On the wrong side , mark off your pleats and spaces with tailor 's chalk , as calculated on pages 23 — 26 , and 45 , fig. 33 , to the depth of stiffening , leaving a space between the pleats if preferred .
20 Rough cider destroys one of the healing vitamins in the body if drunk to excess , and Tich was pickled in it .
21 Iron is more easily absorbed into the body if mixed with vitamin C ; have an orange with your meal , for example .
22 I broke off branches of deep purple cherries devouring enough vitamin C for the rest of the length of the canal if walked it had to be , waving their thick-leaved wands at the flies , as I plodded the day 's last few solitary miles .
23 He tells the truth if asked .
24 After wide debate , the majority of the Branches were in favour of extending the mandatory requirement of CPD to all members , but such a proposal is unlikely to get the support of the membership if put to a referendum .
25 The original owner 's invoice should show either the current cost of the goods if supplied to the repairer for nothing , or if a charge is made the amount to be paid .
26 This was because the £3 3s. 0d. subscription was still the same as in 1907 not having been increased , making the return on the bond if taken as golf still only around the 3% level , clearly the capital could earn better interest elsewhere .
27 13.1 The Proprietor if called upon to do so by the Publisher agrees to prepare subsequent editions of the Work .
28 Straps are the traditional method and give a very secure fit to the boot if used correctly ( Fig 2 ) ; but this is time consuming and cold on the fingers .
29 The application vendor can clearly provide a language version of the binaries if desired , but there appear to be no facilities for multi-lingual binaries .
30 It also means that the unit is easily attached to the wall if required .
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