Example sentences of "[art] [noun] tell him " in BNC.

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1 That evening , Bunker phoned Peters at The Inn on the Park to tell him that he had called an emergency meeting of plant conveners to help resolve the Merseyside problem .
2 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
3 And the moment he mentioned his stepmother she 'd be given the opportunity to tell him how very unhappy Bertha had become .
4 Leila did n't have the heart to tell him she doubted whether there 'd be much opportunity for him ever to do that , at least while he was helping her with Ari .
5 History never had the heart to tell him that great keepers use both hands .
6 I did n't have the heart to tell him or Nicola that I was worried that Jo 's ‘ phone would be tapped .
7 He broke off , and looked suddenly so exhausted and worn that Leith just did n't have the heart to tell him what an offensive brute his cousin had been .
8 I 've , I 've never ever known him to iron anything ever since I 've been you know , little , I 've never seen him iron anything but me mum was in fits because he 'd even ironed the socks so she said she did n't have the heart to tell him that she does n't usually bother with the ruddy socks , but er the thought was there was n't it ?
9 The monk tells him that the money has already been returned to the wife .
10 The manager was unavailable , the clerk told him , would the chief accountant do ?
11 By the time Louise returned to the kitchen to tell him that his mother was ready to go home Constance felt that he knew absolutely everything about her , but had revealed nothing of himself .
12 The footprints told him it was only one person .
13 The man who 'd taken a photograph of the bus asked if he might photograph the old people also , and the bus-driver told him to wait a minute .
14 On 1 November 1990 , Norwich Union wrote to the applicant telling him the effect of the intervention notice , and saying :
15 ‘ We have warrants , ’ one of the Frenchmen told him .
16 He said the soldier told him he had been struck a glancing blow by the car , but that he had not been knocked over and afterwards had been able to continue on duty .
17 ‘ Leave 'er alone , she 's enjoying 'erself , ’ the lads told him .
18 Some of his supporters on the Hill told him to press on further with deficit reduction while he had a fair wind .
19 Davide had turned up a coin , one afternoon , when he was mooning around ; it was a common enough type , the professor told him in the museum at Riba , where he took it for an opinion .
20 Only the mouth told him that he looked on the face of his friend .
21 ‘ I said to the grave digger , in conversation with him , ‘ Look , are you in the right plot ? ’ and his answer was the priest told him to dig the grave opposite Patrick 's but when he came along he 'd seen there was already a burial there , who was the sister Annie , but had seen this vacant plot next door , so he had dug the vacant one .
22 Some creature he had met at a dinner party recently ( he was , it had to be said , from East Finchley ) had had the nerve to tell him that New York was ‘ more vibrant ’ than Wimbledon .
23 I had n't got the nerve to tell him I had n't got the nerve .
24 Curtains obscured his view , but the shape of the covers told him that the bed was occupied .
25 He asked the lawyer to tell him what the Law said .
26 It is creative in the true sense of that ill-used word , creative because it invites the reader to use his own critical and inventive faculties , sends him out to make discoveries , form his own opinions , observe things for himself , instead of slavishly accepting what the books tell him .
27 When at the end the victor is stranded in limbo , the poet tells him there is no paradise and no hell , no enemies and no family .
28 These aids are used as signals to the horse to tell him what we would like him to do .
29 ‘ You 're whistling , little boy , ’ the Monster told him .
30 She tried to find the words to tell him she did n't want to make love , to tell him she was totally opposed to such casual male dominance , but somehow they would n't come .
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