Example sentences of "[art] [noun] find [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Nor will those investors and depositors who in the mid-1970s found themselves caught in a hurricane sweeping throught the secondary banking system after the collapse of Gerald Caplan 's London and County Securities .
2 The struggle to find herself was sometimes tortuous , yet often exhilarating .
3 The Londoner found himself staring into the expressionless face of the tall and broad , blond-haired , blue-eyed bouncer .
4 Even if the government backs legislation ( and even more so when it does not and the Houses find themselves confronted by a Private Member 's Bill ) no Bill will ever be passed which offends against the deeply held beliefs of Members , unless amended to accommodate them .
5 Then the truck accelerated over the cobbles into a violent right-hand turn , and the squadron found itself thrown hard against the side of the police patrol-wagon .
6 In the last years of the Soviet Union and in the new republics the militia found itself dealing with a level of public demonstration — and sometimes disorder — of which it had no previous experience , and it did not always deal efficiently with them .
7 Unfortunately , the price of cattle fell from £5 a head to £1 a head shortly after this arrangement was made , and the Masai found themselves being asked to pay more and more for what seemed to them to be less and less — for some of the waterworks had already begun to fail .
8 I disagree , and on the contrary find myself in full agreement with those parts of the judgment of Parker L.J .
9 Physiological addiction is not the same as addictive disease in which the sufferer finds himself or herself drawn back to the drug even against his or her will .
10 The manufacturers found themselves ‘ excluded alike from the County Commission of the Peace and the Municipal Corporation ’ , and from ‘ this essentially ‘ caste ’ struggle between the Tory squires and the radical manufacturers ’ ( Webb and Webb 1963:93 ) there emerged not only the widening of the parliamentary franchise but also the pressure for change in the urban areas .
11 Zampolli summed up the curiously optimistic mood the industry found itself in , post-war , at Geneva : ‘ You know , ’ he said , ‘ during the war I took three orders for the car .
12 After scooping the majority of prizes at the event the 24-man-troupe found themselves being booked for other carnivals which led to a whole summer 's bookings in 1990 .
13 Feeling in Congress was less critical than it had been and Senator William F. Knowland ( Republican , California ) , a lively critic of the administration , supported it over Korean aid while castigating the administration for the serious economic plight in which the Koreans found themselves .
14 Once the route was resolved the Club found itself considering yet again , the prospects of building a new clubhouse at the top of Chalk Hill and serious attempts were made to interest Brewery companies into buying the existing clubhouse for a public house .
15 Rather than arguing about whether God exists , the theist and the atheist find themselves arguing about whether metaphysical terms have meaning .
16 Following the Exodus from Egypt and the Settlement in Canaan in the latter part of the second millennium BC , the Jews found themselves in a region which was on the main line of communication between Egypt and Babylonia .
17 The Princess found herself pigeon holed for a long time as a result of those early associations , but they were nevertheless a useful apprenticeship .
18 The Princess found herself having to explain that she was not ‘ domineering ’ , but ‘ a perfectionist with myself , but not with everybody else ’ , and that she was Princess Anne 's ‘ biggest fan .
19 Thus it was that at 6 30 the same barely-to-bed morning the column found itself outside the newsagent 's in Aycliffe , joined shortly afterwards by the ebullient Edgar .
20 Mr Spencer told the jury : ‘ For a period of two years , from about the age of 13 onwards , the girl found herself the target of sexual and physical abuse from her stepfather .
21 When the list reached Buckingham Palace the Queen found herself almost as impotent as George V fifty years earlier .
22 The planners , the Planning Committee , and the Council found themselves at the centre of the great deal of public agitation in which the reputation of the Council sank to a very low level .
23 ‘ Instead the council finds itself in an impossible position . ’
24 I would not wish the Council to find itself in a position in which it felt obliged to oppose the franchising arrangements as a result of your published views as to future developments which might emerge from the franchising scheme . ’
25 From 1973–5 the Soviet Union sold Peru aircraft , tanks , surface-to-air missiles and artillery on very generous terms and when , in 1978 , the Peruvians found themselves unable to maintain payments for their weapons , the Soviet Union rolled over the debt until 1981–8 , indicating their reluctance to relinquish this sole market .
26 Once again , the Elves found themselves in the middle of a war without a Phoenix King .
27 After an hour the ship emerged from the jungle , and the Shermans found themselves gazing across an open alluvial plain dotted with isolated clumps of palm .
28 The Gulbenkian Foundation was exploring training for the performing arts , and by the middle of the decade the CNAA found itself confronting the complex range of elements of the creative and performing arts in its existing courses , and expressions of interest by institutions proposing specialist courses — notably in drama and in dance and movement .
29 Whereas in Italy , where the Communist Party also split , the reformers outnumbered the old guard , in Spain the reformers found themselves in a minority .
30 Sometimes the pastor found himself speaking to an empty church ; sometimes to a church filled with schoolchildren ; sometimes to a congregation supplemented by the relatives of islanders brought over from the mainland , and other tourists .
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