Example sentences of "[art] [noun] take me " in BNC.

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1 That 's why , the morning the porter took me down to the forest , you sent Dame Catherine after me to see where we were going .
2 Work as the fancy takes me , he wrote .
3 I 'm taking my walking boots and a tent , and I shall go where the fancy takes me . ’
4 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
5 In the carriage taking me into town , I cried a little .
6 The boys ' father Ben said : ‘ The lads took me straight to the baby and it was freezing .
7 And there was a lot of space between the hut and the door and the wind took me and flung me right up against the tank and I went down to the ground and crawled on me hands and knees .
8 He wrapped me in a warm coat and placing me in the car took me several miles over the moor .
9 When it was time to leave and I was waiting for the car to take me back to the station for the journey back , I have to confess that I shed a tear or two .
10 I struggled to get up , then felt Jamie and the girl take me one under each arm and help me .
11 I 'd just set off wherever the mood took me .
12 The Bulgarian took me out .
13 ‘ It 's nigh on two year since I 've been out that house , ’ said Bella suddenly , ‘ since the Warden took me for that X-ray after I fell over and hurt me wrist . ’
14 I bribed the sacristan to take me down .
15 The question took me completely by surprise .
16 Did my bit against Franco till the Italians took me prisoner .
17 Every Friday the teacher took me to my father 's room .
18 I knew they would follow me quickly so I told the spaceship to take me to a very quiet part of the Galaxy , a long way from any planets with people on .
19 For all that has happened , I could n't stop watching for her figure as my train pulled out into the bright sunlight and the rails took me … ’ .
20 He and the policeman took me to a lift and we went down many floors .
21 And the headmaster taking me on stage and showing everybody what a bad example I was , because I had shoes like crocodiles .
22 The rush took me completely by surprise , and I think what contributed to it was that a lot of industry had closed down early , schools were closed , and many people had taken extended holiday .
23 The man took me straight to the Tabard .
24 The man took me into his confidence .
25 Will the diploma take me up if I had them two ?
26 The police took me to prison without a change of clothes , put me in an awful cell , I was amazed that I was accused . ’
27 Every evening at 6.30 , my ‘ Pop ’ , as I called him , would come across the garden to take me to bed and read me a story .
28 But the path took me back into darkness and I felt my first real twinge of panic .
29 The path took me under trees in full leaf and out across open fields where below me to the left the river Bain , the shortest river in England , flowed on its two-and-a-half-mile journey from Semer Water to the river Ure .
30 It would have been the easiest thing in the world take me into another room and tell me they actually liked what Allison was doing , but they did n't . ’
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