Example sentences of "[art] [noun] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The eventual result was the breakaway from the NUM of a new union , the Union of Democratic Mineworkers , with a membership of close to 30,000 .
2 Nkumbula 's lack of vigour in attacking the Federation , once established , and in supporting participation in the elections for the Legislative Council in 1958 led to the breakaway from the ANC of Kaunda , Simon Kapwepwe and others who set up the United National Independence Party ( UNIP ) in 1959 .
3 But he did reconsider next day , when he saw her watching the passage of the porter from the refectory before noon , and following him with her eyes as he turned in between infirmary and schoolroom , where the two small stony cells were built into the angle of the wall , close to the wicket that led through to the mill and the pond .
4 By pointing to my ears and making signs I eventually elicit the response from the projectionist , ‘ I 'll turn it down when I 've had my tea . ’
5 And when they did get out , the response from the all-important fleets was lukewarm and enthusiasm from private buyers greatly tempered by the general sales collapse of December and January .
6 The response from the Fed itself after its Open Market Committee has been a cautious wait-and-see approach .
7 The response from the band 's fans was mixed .
8 The response from the staff was overwhelming .
9 I think in the past the , the response from the County Council would be that it was n't directly related to industrial relations .
10 The response from the State Department came in a message dated the following day , 15 May [ KP 125 ] : " We believe that no distinction should be made between Chetniks and other dissident Yugoslav troops and that our position with respect to anti-partisan or dissident Yugoslav troops in general , in agreement with that of the British Foreign Office and in accordance with Macmillan 's recommendation , is clearly set forth in PEP TEL 424 , May 2 .
11 The response from the crowd was fantastic , but when he introduced me I was hardly conscious of their cheers .
12 The response from the latter group of managers to the business plan would no doubt have made even more compelling reading .
13 The response from the audience during the discussion sessions was no less enthusiastic , particularly from industry , which was highly represented .
14 John Mundell , Commercial Manager stated ‘ We are delighted with the response from the contestants and the spirit in which they took part .
15 The response from the people he talks to gives him a grassroots view of the questions being asked throughout the Company , while the meetings give the staff the opportunity to put their own points to him straight from the shoulder .
16 Does he not agree that such a programme could , amongst other things , establish an effective linkage between western support for economic development and the response from the newly independent states in terms of schedules for comprehensive , verifiable , and quicker disarmament ?
17 The response from the public in places they visited was generous and heartwarming .
18 Erm Paul , London Region er , putting the response from the C E C.
19 The larger the temporary component of a real wage change , the more significant will be the response from the suppliers of labour .
20 It should be stressed that the figures do not reflect the fact that a considerable number of respondents answered ‘ yes ’ to the principle of capping but went on to argue that institutions should receive nothing at all by way of grants ( see , for example , the response from the Legal Resources Group ) .
21 And they say the response from the local police was prompt and efficient .
22 ‘ We are delighted with our new position which underlines our commitment to the area and already the response from the public has been most encouraging . ’
23 The response from the public had been tremendous , police said , after posters were displayed across town .
24 With twenty million unemployed in the European community , the response from the Edinburgh Summit was pathetic .
25 The income from a tourist enterprise is valuable and must be respected by the rest of the family , ’ says Sue Lloyd Jones , who teaches a farm-based tourism course at Coleg Powys , Newtown .
26 At the lower end of the scale , this might be little more than a garden allotment worked in spare time to supplement the income from a full-time job .
27 Thomas 's house , which he could barely keep up , was run mostly on the income from a small chain of modern toy shops that he had built up for his wife over the years .
28 Our other research has shown that some adults would prefer not to take up a full-time course and so lose the income from a full-time job .
29 The man in charge of the fund , Brigadier Jimmy Chater , admitted that there had been problems with finding and helping Royal Warwickshire POWs , and agreed that the income from the fund exceeded the benefits paid out .
30 ‘ It may be as important as the income from the corn or the lambs . ’
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