Example sentences of "[art] [noun] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 And there is a sense in which this applies , but although I can appreciate his point that seeking a good reputation may well dominate the practical order , if it were also to dominate the activities I have designated ‘ second-order ’ then it makes nonsense of the possibility of ‘ disinterestedness ’ , enjoying something for its own sake .
2 The activities I have tried have been successful , and I shall try many more . ’
3 Will , oh , it 's all the response I get , we 're far too busy we have n't got the manpower you know , er
4 If I close this week with only seven , I may only end up with one sale , and that 's not gon na to give me the income I want and big H wants so I can take her out for a Chinese .
5 ‘ From the park I hear rhythms …
6 ‘ From the park I hear rhythms …
7 Hill said : ‘ This is the opportunity I have worked for and I would like to thank the team for putting their faith in me .
8 I all the forms I 've before are version numbered and dated .
9 ‘ I 'm much more restrained now in the hats I choose to wear .
10 ‘ It 's hard to believe such a vivacious personality is lost to us ’ , ’ Dysart was quoted as saying 'and harder still to accept that the stand I have taken against terrorism may have brought about her death . ’ ’
11 The acoustic I use is a Yamaha APX12 — a stereo acoustic twelve-string .
12 Having given this example of structuring I perhaps need to make clear some of the terminology I have been using before looking at more examples .
13 We 're able to put up most of them , while the remainder I 've sent round to The Beach Hotel . ’
14 But I take my immediate clue from the American critic , Norman Holland : ‘ unity is to the text as identity is to a person ; or you could say , identity is the unity I find in a person when I look at him as if he were a text . ’
15 Then in the last two lines of the appendix I read the panel on doctrine seeks permission for the joint commission to meet twice yearly as necessary to study documents of doctrinal interest .
16 I 've only got the base I 've lost the top .
17 The simple lines of modern architecture break up space and light in a very mechanical way , and not with the variety I seek in my paintings .
18 The simple lines of modern architecture break up space and light in a very mechanical way , and not with the variety I seek in my paintings .
19 I alternate the direction of these strokes , imitating the direction I use to apply the pastel in the first place .
20 I alternate the direction of these strokes , imitating the direction I use to apply the pastel in the first place .
21 They are heading for a gathering at a place I can not see on my map , but they seem content with the direction I have chosen .
22 I know that I went there when the change I have spoken of must have been already complete .
23 The support I 've got now is not really professional .
24 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
25 No chance to talk to Mum about the bike I dream of day and night !
26 Of the programmes I 've watched-not all of them , let me confess-only the third , on the dhow in the Gulf seemed to enter into a wholly unknown , and dangerous environment , a way of life I could never have imagined .
27 And my Lord a short part I wish to refer you to and that is on page a hundred and seventy nine which is er the section when the judge was dealing with er the law of duty and the judge Mr Justice said during the trial I express some concern to what evidence has been called it is not necessary to refer to lawyers professional liability by .
28 I 'm a creature of habit — in the way I have my hair cut , the suits I wear , the eternal brown boots that I get ribbed about and which are fleetingly seen by the viewers at the end of the programme as we come to the closing headlines .
29 You know the thing is I feel that when I was tried to get the theatre board and I have contacted various people on the board I have never been listened to .
30 Now , on the board I have listed some possible targets .
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