Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Sexual abuse in any circumstances is not to be tolerated , but denying men the opportunity to care is a particularly Draconian solution .
2 With even a fairly low-level British qualification , a teacher can find employment in many countries , and for many the opportunity to travel is a very significant aspect of the attraction of a career in this field .
3 As these case studies show , even when the willingness to change is there , whether the initial impetus comes from within or without , actually bringing about change is hard for the individual .
4 The verb to love is difficult to define as it covers such a range of emotion .
5 The verb in a sentence such as The sun shines brightly is not deictic in the sense that the verb to come is , but is nevertheless deictic because it is part of a system which relates specific entities to reference points .
6 To see a shop window full of goods when you have n't the money to buy is n't much fun . ’
7 The decision to retire is never an easy one for architects .
8 To take advantage of the effect of sample size , that is that the means of random samples will have a nearly normal distribution if the sample is large , the decision to readjust is based on sample means rather than individual measurements , justifying the use of the 3s limits .
9 To take advantage of the effect of sample size , that is that the means of random samples will have a nearly normal distribution if the sample is large , the decision to readjust is based on sample means rather than individual measurements , justifying the use of the 3 s limits .
10 He has denied the decision to quit is linked to the Hagans case .
11 The decision to operate is typical of Redpath , who , apart from training greyhounds at her kennels near Petersfield , Hampshire , runs a ‘ find a home scheme ’ for racers when they finish their careers .
12 Owing to the spontaneous resolution seen before and after operation all children with glue ear should be examined with pneumatic otoscopy and tympanometry on at least two occasions over three months before the decision to operate is made .
13 However , it would be useful to include in credit transactions a formal reminder to lender and customer that the decision to lend is not a matter of chance or prejudice , and ( as it generally does ) reflects the objective facts of the applicant 's ability and willingness to pay .
14 The inclusion of such trading lags makes the arbitrage risky , as the mispricing at the time the arbitrage position is established is unknown when the decision to trade is taken .
15 The decision to revolt is discussed in chapter 15 and turns on the evaluation of costs ( punishment for failure , injury risk , loss of property , etc. ) versus the gains of raised income or wealth .
16 For present students the route to influence is through the Union and through the representation which students now have on Faculty and University committees , up to and including Senate and Council .
17 Er but , Collieries as they became , they did n't acc That was Lancaster , they did n't accept er the old unions , so they erm they belonged Both I ca n't on Friday night I used to the Methodist 's chapel to pay the old union subscription , and to the West to pay 's .
18 The single most difficult skill for the calligrapher to acquire is consistently good letterform in a rhythmic , written hand .
19 The part to go is the Business Systems line of Motorola Inc 68000- and Intel Corp iAPX-86-based Unix machines that are the direct successors to Texas 's old TI 980 and TI 990 minicomputer business that goes back to the early 1970s .
20 It is sonar ‘ visibility ’ , the term to use is difficult to find , because of our own personal human associations , and because our human language relates to our mental and sensory experiences , not to that of a bat or a whale .
21 My advice to my touch judges on the action to take is ‘ what would you have done if you had the whistle in your hand instead of a touch flag ’ ?
22 Erm yeah , the the the axe to grind is is yes , I pick up the the the political stick here er , that was you know , that that , you know from the other the other end to you and yeah , yes I also think we 're being beaten with a with a with a stick here for three R's er , if we 're forced into the corner of having to use an ignorant white hall idiots er
23 Whilst each episode of cystitis may be helped by remedies selected from these tables , the tendency for the condition to recur is unlikely to be affected .
24 Frequently the key to advance is in better ways of measuring or quantifying technical processes , or material advances which in themselves remove one of the constraints on development .
25 While the fulfilling of the obligations or the intention to repay is not per se not dishonest it is evidence that the accused was not dishonest under Ghosh .
26 Second , when the question turns to how God is everywhere , the analogy to light is seen as useful .
27 The enticement to covet is like the attraction of an enchanting perfume , one which turns out to be a delicious , attractive , sweet-tasting poison .
28 The equation to solve is eqn ( 4.3 ) which we shall write here again :
29 The issue to examine is whether the fact that more working-class offenders are caught means that more working-class people break laws .
30 The gap between the willingness to lend and the capacity to receive is partly due to the fact that the majority of donors have country lending , or granting , targets .
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