Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [unc] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We had erm no we we actually had done that we have given questionnaires out as programmes we actually asked people to I mean it 'll be interest to see how many people fill it in this evening but there is a built in resistance by some people to actually fill in any sort of questionnaire er and in the past when we 've actually done that I think the response 's has n't been that that brilliant .
2 The plasmid pVM39 carries the following genes ; hsdR , hsdM and hsdS ts-1 and should , therefore , have a temperature-sensitive phenotype in E.coli C3-6 .
3 The plasmid pVM39 carries the endonuclease operon with the mutant hsdS gene and its structural analogue with wild hsdS gene is pVMC3 ; pBR322 DNA , chromosomal fragments .
4 I positioned myself in the entrance to the doorway sufficiently enough to be able to see through the er the window we have in the shield erm to see quickly into the room to see er what 's in the room and if there are any persons in the room .
5 The band follow their appearance at the NME 's Gim me Shelter gig last month with gigs at .
6 The ( Presidential ) apartments are as faded as the President ( a reference to the Prince 's dressing in sombre colours ) and the bronze chandeliers which date from the First Empire , in the same style as those of the English Embassy , make decent lighting impossible for there are too few lights in the chandeliers on the wall-brackets , and the candelabras .
7 While he was referring to the Prince 's fawning friends , it was interpreted as a comment on the high staff turnover at Kensington Palace and Highgrove .
8 One exhibition each year will fall under the organisation of the Direction du patrimoine with the programme as follows : ‘ Marseille au XIXe siècle : rêves et triomphes d'une ville ’ ( see p. 9 ) ; ‘ Edouard Baldus ’ ( May 1994 to August 1995 ) ; ‘ L'Imaginaire de la Ruine , 1750–1950 ’ ( October 1995 to February 1996 ) ; and ‘ Les Années trente ’ ( Autumn 1996 ) .
9 In France the direction des consulats et des affaires commerciales which had been set up some years earlier was reorganised in 1882 .
10 The LM 's give us yet another valuable string to our bow to be chosen appropriately .
11 As four chapters will demonstrate , there are different places to find art criticism ; a monograph will afford the greatest opportunity for full critical treatment , while a brief newspaper article is most likely to omit one or more of the three helpful elements , perhaps through the writer 's assuming prior knowledge on the reader 's part .
12 To remind the assembly that this is a matter which was raised I think by Mr a couple of years ago and when a very similar motion was accepted by the Board er asking us to raise this matter with the the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Scotland , which we did er we know that there has been attention paid to this by the , the hierarchy .
13 In contrast , the District 's perception of the Cambridge Board 's policy was that its own work would be undermined and possibly replaced by expansion of the Board 's providing powers for Chapter III courses through the appointment of a cadre of university resident tutors throughout the region .
14 Several of the Board 's leading civil servants had been pressing for more equality in provision .
15 For example , the Hospice des Enfants-Trouvés in Paris , founded 1670 , was admitting several thousand babies a year by the 1770s , equivalent to over 20 per cent of the yearly baptisms in Paris , although almost half came from outside the city , and 13 per cent into the nineteenth century .
16 Robin Kingsland Shirley Holmes series , £2.99 each The Case of the Missing Case , The Case of the Hollywood Soap Star , The Case of the Sheik 's Missing Shake-Maker , The Case of the Illegal Sherbet Shake-Down , P.o.s. : 26-copy counterpack ; giveaway notepads ; Shirley Holmes Activity Packs for bookshops and libraries Media coverage : competition in main provincial newspapers
17 Erm I like to visit the theatre , the cinema erm play a bit of tennis , squash
18 But there again that 's the shareholders er do n't see you know like to get a bit more er information and good public relations for the company .
19 It was the calm after high tide when life seems to be held suspended , waiting , breathless , for the tide 's turning when everything will be thrown into motion again .
20 Then she caught sight of the maitre d'Hôtel approaching their table .
21 Nothing could lift his mood — not the fact that his supplier had managed to get his hands on a pirate video of the new Schwarzenegger , nor the really quite healthy profit he had made on the afternoon 's racing at York , nor even the fat Havana cigar to which he had treated himself .
22 Although the money MI6 has provided has given him access to Western luxuries , they can not compensate for the fact that he will never see his motherland again .
23 Along with the bastion , the bastion u hung on the on the on the toilet wall , nine times out of ten .
24 to other things , we 've kind of veered of the , one of the subjects that we were er , we did get onto which was how the police and the courts er handle er well victims and indeed criminals , I wonder if I might conflate erm both those groups into one question , its a very broad question , but I wonder if you think by and large the police do a good job , erm button one for yes and button two for no , erm and the majority here say yes , seventy seventy people say yes the , the police do a good job and since we 've talked about the courts do you think the courts do a good job by and large ? , we 've been talking specifically about erm some of the more bizarre erm statements that have come from the bench , particularly in with reference to crimes erm , that have treated against women , well now , seventy nine say no , so the police comes thumbs up , but the courts are way down , now not surprisingly there are n't many representatives from the courts er amongst this hundred
25 The clanging from the blacksmith 's rang like a bell through the air ; somewhere a child cried , the son or daughter of one of the garrison .
26 Questions set by the computer , which then supplies the answer for checking purposes after a randomly set time delay , seem to have a powerful motivating effect and are but one example of the effectiveness of the computer 's simulating the random elements which the pupil experiences in everyday life and work .
27 In conjunction , with the computer 's read/write line , also controls the SRAM 's read/write and output enable lines , WE and OE .
28 We similarly use the notations unc To denote the substitution of ( lists of ) expressions for ( equal length lists of ) variables in ( lists of ) expressions .
29 As a rattlesnake strikes , the kangaroo rat leaps to safety , warned of the danger by the sound of the snake 's moving scales .
30 If you see samples of the photographer 's work you will be able to contact the clients who commissioned the work .
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