Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 We hope you will come with suggestions in September , either specific movement themes or particular facets of training that you would like covered during these sessions and the teachers/trainers you would like to teach them .
2 The activities which may be subject to investigation under this scheme are those specified in Part II of Schedule 12 [ to the Act of 1986 ] , which are described there under the following headings : — share accounts — deposit accounts — borrowing members : class 1 or class 2 advances — borrowers : loans by appropriate mortgage companies — borrowers : mobile home loans — borrowers : other loans — banking services — trusteeship — executorship .
3 At levels 9 and 10 , the activities themselves will not differ significantly in kind , but pupils will require teaching which helps them to act with increasing confidence and fluency , to take a leading role in discussions , to be supportive of the contributions of others , to prepare presentations effectively ( including the use of audiovisual aids and handouts ) , to be rigorous in argument and the use of evidence , and to take effective account of audience and context .
4 ‘ Aye , very pleasurable , but first we 'll eat , while I describe some of the activities you can look forward to .
5 For one of the activities there will be a change-round of teachers who will be engaging in a semi-specialist role .
6 Well I do n't expect they will , but er I mean if a number of them were interested enough , I mean people are away on holiday at that time , but , if we thought , if we got the response we could , what do you think ?
7 And he especially wants to encourage female football players to join : ‘ We do n't get the response we should from the girls it would be nice to see more at the schools . ’
8 Write in the box provided the response you would give to the statement , and see if you can decide what the differences are .
9 An animal capable of symbolization can carry away from a situation an inner trace that stands in for the response it may make when it next encounters the situation .
10 The return on any form of investment may be defined as follows , where r is the return on security i in time t + I , P is the price of security i in periods t and t + I , and D is the income which may accrue to that security during period t+ 1 .
11 In fact , the individual migrants who participate in this urban migration manage to generate income which is more attractive to them than the income they would have earned by remaining in the rural areas .
12 The pomeshchiks derived their livelihood in part from an irregular salary paid while on active service , but primarily from the income they could extract from the peasants settled on their farms .
13 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
14 Coleridge told Estlin that his heart ‘ yearned toward the ministry ’ , and he was soon able to convince himself that even his unorthodox beliefs might not be a major obstacle to his acceptance of the post , and the income it would guarantee .
15 Providing the income you will need after you stop work can take a load off your mind .
16 I knew exactly the accessories she 'd want .
17 For certain types of photograph , particularly those for feature use , you will need to think about the accessories you will use in the photograph .
18 In the daytime they would shoot erm with their apparatus , the short strips of film , in say the streets of the towns where they were , and then in the evening they would use the same apparatus adapted to project the films onto a screen .
19 If you resist any temptation to nap in the daytime you will be more able to get to sleep at your next bedtime .
20 In the daytime you can come back and look at the Old State House we 're coming up to and see the cobblestones which mark the place where blood was shed in the great Boston Massacre .
21 It examines the disciplines which must come together to support EP as a single subject , and it offers a possible global content for a degree-level course in EP .
22 Through the open end of the tent he could see that the campsite was deserted .
23 Then if he still has not come out of the tent I will go down there while it is still light , very quietly , and see if I can see , without getting too close , how he is .
24 And as anurans , with their soft vulnerable bodies , are much sought after as food , they need all the defences they can muster .
25 Beginning with the more familiar form of the continents we can distinguish between the continental platforms formed by plateaus and lowlands , and the major linear mountain systems known as orogenic mountain belts , or simply orogens .
26 The general effect of the plan would be , that towards the park we should have a beautiful range of public buildings .
27 To go to the one in the park we 'd have to go up that hill and there 's no way I can push this buggy with Bryony in the front and all these fruit and vegetables I could n't get up and the hang on to you two with your reins I could n't get up that steep hill .
28 Though pandas ' ancestors were carnivores , they eat a high proportion of vegetable matter including bamboo and various roots , shoots , fruits and fungi ; and in the park they will sometimes be seen grazing grass .
29 The prosperity and development of the Park itself would suffer if the food and other factories relocated as they threatened to do .
30 Smith said : ‘ We have players all over the park who can score goals for us .
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