Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 Although many of the activities involved are carried out by individuals , and there is much scope for personal decision-making making and responsibility , the business of maintaining a safe environment is very much a political concern and responsibility — at local , regional , national and international levels .
2 They give us an immediate apprehension of form , albeit with a residual sense that the forms apprehended are illusory .
3 If one asks why the law should draw the line at threats of breach of contract and not include within the tort of intimidation some threats against B even though the acts threatened are not strictly unlawful , the answer can lie only in the structure of the law .
4 Since many of the acts penalised are likely to amount to offensive conduct within the terms of section 5 , it is to be regretted that the opportunity was not taken to examine this jurisprudential anachronism which , although it no longer carries a power of arrest , should perhaps be either modernised or repealed in its entirety .
5 Whoever the commentator is , the opinions expressed are often only beliefs based on sketchy information that is only indirectly relevant .
6 ( e ) Conflicts of interest Where firms involved in an amalgamation have previously acted for clients who have been involved in litigation against each other , the amalgamated firm must not accept instructions to act for any of those clients unless they are able to erect and maintain effective " Chinese Walls " and : ( 1 ) none of the solicitors involved are professionally embarrassed by continuing to act ; ( 2 ) all the clients have given their consent ; ( 3 ) those clients have received full and frank independent advice before giving their consent ; and ( 4 ) such continuing to act can be shown to be in the best interests of the clients .
7 The clubs named are : Southampton , Newcastle , Luton , Tottenham , Bristol Rovers , Barnet , Brighton , Liverpool and Sunderland .
8 The clubs entered are Tyneside Vikings , BSAD Cumbria , Mid Northumberland Young Disabled Centre , West Cumbria Disabled Sports Club , TLF Sports Club , Hirst Welfare Disabled Sports Club , BPF Newcastle , Barbara Priestman School , Killingworth Fliers , John Wright Centre , Carlisle Sports Club , Bedlington Disabled Sports Club and Ashington Floaters .
9 The programmes undertaken are of two main types , the one country-specific , the other regional in emphasis .
10 This covers sales to the fields of business , industry , and education and training organisations , and many of the programmes sold are in the science documentary area .
11 The mines involved are and near Doncaster and near Pontefract .
12 The patterns displayed are broadly similar with inversion maxima of — 1500 m recognised on both interpretations .
13 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
14 Some of the patterns shown are so elaborate that it seems doubtful that they were woven : some may have been printed with blocks , while others may have been produced by a mixed-medium method , combining printing , embroidery , and appliqué work .
15 Details of the technique used are given in Tindale et al .
16 The choice between going for a company limited by shares or one limited by guarantee is thus largely dependent on whether the surveyors involved are having to put up most of the funds themselves .
17 The surveyors involved are Hamptons .
18 Among the artists represented are Leonardo , Michelangelo , Raphael , Fra Bartolommeo , Pontormo , Bronzino and Vasari .
19 Two of the artists involved are Dan Graham and Isa Genzen .
20 In nineteen eighty six treat people as if their labour is worth nothing you know those men have given their lives to the quarry industry and there 's no doubt that there is money to be made from slate at the moment and people are people that have the money to invest are making a lot of money okay they 're inves they 're risking the money but er people are risking their lives as well and giving their lives .
21 If Morrissey ca n't be allowed to write in the third person using a character , without people automatically assuming the views expressed are his own , then we 've got problems too .
22 Even though I use many examples and experiences from my years with that company , the views expressed are mine and if my recollections or impressions vary from others ' that is to my account , and not ICI 's .
23 The coins found are listed on the plan and date from Hadrian to Maximus ( probably Maximianus , AD 286 — 310 , Maximinus II , AD 309 — 13 , or Maxentius , AD 306 — 12 ) .
24 The mild dissonance used is either a minor 7th or a major 9th : Note that the added part is mostly in contrary motion with the top part ( this usually gives a more powerful bass ) , and that all the notes used are different .
25 of the birds noted are moving west .
26 In some years a high proportion of the birds involved are adult males .
27 Apart from a few species of northern waders which regularly spend the winter in the islands , the rest of the birds recorded are wind-blown vagrants from South America .
28 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
29 In complex market economies , where the decision to produce and the decision to consume are taken by different people at different points in time , it is important for manufacturers to have some idea of the likely demand for products .
30 The reactions produced are often summed up as the flight or fight response .
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