Example sentences of "[prep] her [that] he " in BNC.

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1 His head was so full of her that he could think of nothing else .
2 He came — she felt the moment in pain and sadness — but he continued to move , banging at her , clutching just that part of her that he needed , as if he 'd felt nothing , as if he did n't know when to stop .
3 Surely he 'd be so grateful to be free of her that he 'd agree ?
4 ‘ Now , Taggy , you know well it is because of her that he had nothing .
5 She waited for Jean , his girlfriend , to go to the Ladies , and then pounced , flirting madly and manoeuvring him into bartering with her that he would buy two whole strips if she would have a dance with him .
6 So angry was he with her that he flung a handful of the stars after her , and they fell to earth with such force that they formed a row of waterholes across the country .
7 Terry Wogan became so absorbed with her that he ran the interview into the closing music , leaving him scant time to promote his next programme — very unusual .
8 I tried to reason with her that he should know about the baby but she refused to call back or write to him .
9 What had been lacking in her that he had found in Henrietta ?
10 She watched him search helplessly for a reply , the hysteria rising within her that he might have ruined her chances of being accepted by her family .
11 There was a contenting assurance about her that he found restful .
12 Catherine seemed to be unconscious , and Mr Edgar was so worried about her that he forgot about Heathcliff for the moment .
13 It had been enough for her that he was a man who thought his house a good point of departure for the Piero della Francesca trail .
14 You know that , ’ she replied , and discovered that Travis , more interested in his love-life than hers , wanted to talk about Rosemary and how much he missed seeing her and the fact that he had been so lonesome for her that he 'd phoned her flat several times yesterday evening and , receiving no reply , had realised she must still be at her parents ' home .
15 He 'd once tried to explain to her that he was n't popular , that people did n't like him , but she would n't have it , so he 'd given up .
16 So strong was her need to talk to Simon , that it never occurred to her that he might not actually live there .
17 He had confided to her that he himself suffered with back trouble .
18 It was immaterial to her that he was coarse and brutish , that he kept an illegal tavern , that he was invariably drunk , and that he was eventually imprisoned for manslaughter .
19 My daughter 's husband has confessed to her that he has a male lover .
20 Sometimes it seemed to her that he preferred to live in a perpetual shiver .
21 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
22 Anyway , one day he shouted to her that he was taking the bike out , she was in another room doing something , and minutes later he was dead .
23 When he spoke , it seemed to her that he was listening to his own thoughts as much as conveying them to her .
24 They found her drawings and watercolours too like his own and he disguised his embarrassment by joking to her that he seemed to have cornered the nut-tree market .
25 He spent the black hours best in the writing of hopelessly happy propositions to her that he kept for comfort in a drawer , as if they were love letters received from her instead of dead ones from himself that he saw no good in posting .
26 When his bubbling stopped and he was dead , it seemed to her that he suddenly grew larger .
27 ‘ And Taczek confessed to her that he 'd murdered Mills ? ’ asked Dexter earnestly to confirm what they had heard .
28 She had done another paragraph before it occurred to her that he was taking a long time in Georgina 's office .
29 He explained to her that he intended to sell his land at Trantridge and go to help poor people in Africa .
30 It also began to occur to her that he was very well dressed for a pickpocket — but no doubt the streets of central London provided rich pickings .
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