Example sentences of "[prep] one who [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Chris Bramwell presents a sympathetic Russian , exhorting his enthusiasm for particle physics as an artform with an appealing simplicity of one who would write a spy story without surprises .
2 She was doing it with her usual spare , economical elegance , but also with the air of one who would rather be doing something else .
3 Lisa sat , arranging herself on the edge of one of the chairs , the stiff posture of one who would prefer not to linger .
4 Already there was a fledgling brewery at St. James 's Gate and the stage was set for the arrival of one who would sweep away the myth and mystery and bring instead the art and science of brewing to perfection .
5 She had the air of one who might head for the pavement and start writhing at any minute .
6 In her eyes the madness of a starvation that will be satiated , the tempered contempt of one who will survive .
7 Poor Lamont wears the haunted air of one who will forever require snookers to stay in the game .
8 The finder of goods is entitled — except only against one who can show himself to be the owner — to legal protection against all the world .
9 In it he insists that God is in all cases acting through ‘ His minister , Death ’ , even when His intervention appears arbitrary : ‘ entering a careless family , He smites the first-born ; and , as one who will be heard , calls aloud : ‘ Awake thou that sleepest ! ’
10 ‘ My colleagues have always ‘ used ’ me to put forward new ideas because I am perceived as one who will take risks in my career , ’ says Linda Hart , the one US-born female manager who took part , now working back in New Orleans .
11 God is seen as one who can bring about such kairoi in history , and who has a will for humankind .
12 All that is verging on the silly : as one who can remember Andy Pandy and the ravishing girl who read ‘ Picture Book ’ , the fact that daytime television arrived in the last six or seven years seems rather insignificant .
13 Instead , he might be cursed with one who would rob him blind and charge him three-times the wages for the privilege .
14 On the other hand , something — many things — went wrong to turn a team who used to win virtually every match into one who could not win any .
15 Seeking clarification from one who should know , we are told that Mr Smith is short on pessimism .
16 Mr William Waldegrave , Britain 's cabinet minister in charge of science , has offered a bottle of decent champagne to one who can tell him why the Higgs boson is worth finding ( see page 781 ) .
17 The problem is how to explain the quantization of the electromagnetic field to one who can not instinctively write down Maxwell 's equations ( which is no shame ) , let alone say what they mean .
18 Nor have I any wish to see him caught by one who would drag him back to the city lights . ’
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