Example sentences of "[prep] just over two " in BNC.

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1 Murphy wanted her to stay by the first fire of the autumn and be waiting there with the tea table , as Aunt Emily had always done ; but he knew , after just over two months of Alexandra 's rule , that it was pointless even to look his disapproval .
2 Tony is favourite to win the Scottish masters Competition which started at Westburn Park today … first prize is worth just over two and a half thousand pounds …
3 He had lived in the caravan now for just over two years , supported by a research grant from his northern university to study the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the rural industries of East Anglia .
4 Go down the other side to follow Lingcove Beck for just over two miles , before crossing over the very shallow col separating the Lingcove valley from Mosedale .
5 Sixteen-year-old Michael , from Stowmarket , has been shooting for just over two years , and his dedication and practice paid off as he came a magnificent third place in the senior compound section .
6 It drifted the globe for just over two years looking for a port to discharge the ash , and even changed its name to the Pelicano in an attempt to escape detection .
7 Union officials claimed their members were locked out after the 400 strong workforce , which has been on strike for just over two weeks , met yesterday to consider a management proposal .
8 The common is a piece of land of just over two acres , where the poor of the village could collect firewood , as much as they can carry , ‘ whin' meaning a gorse bush .
9 With just over two months still to go before the opening of the fair , 517 of the 540 stands available have been sold , and the remaining 23 are expected to be taken up shortly .
10 In just over two weeks , the four will take up the pins and the microphone for the benefit of Telegraph readers .
11 The battle took place on a Saturday , 14 October : because the armies were so evenly matched and the ground so difficult it lasted eight hours , a great time in a world where a decision was usually reached in just over two hours .
12 Who else but Daly could be humble enough to offer to withdraw from the 1993 US Ryder Cup team if his team-mates do n't want him , and get fined for fast play , officials deciding he was in contempt by completing the second round of the TPD Championship in just over two hours .
13 This missions , chaplaincies and institutions of the diocese all combined generously to provide the necessary money , grants were secured from SPG and from SPCK , and in just over two years the new building was raised , waiting for the foundation stone to be laid during the opportune visit of the Metropolitan of Calcutta , the Most Reverend Foss Westcott , son of the famous biblical scholar and bishop of Durham .
14 A TOTAL of 270 lots were hammered down in just over two hours by Sotheby 's auctioneer Johnathan Baddeley at their sale on September 24 .
15 She drove to Edinburgh in just over two hours , and headed for Jake 's office , just off Princes Street , in the shadow of the capital 's ancient , brooding castle .
16 ‘ He can get from Darlington to London in just over two hours . ’
17 The proportion of married women falls to just over two in ten , and the proportion widowed rises to nearly two-thirds .
18 One parent families tend to be slightly smaller than two parent families with an average of just under two children , compared to just over two children per family .
19 Daniel 's weight plummeted to just over two stone when his condition was diagnosed last February .
20 Indeed half of Littlewoods ' 2.5 million agents have adopted this route and the average number of customers per agent has fallen from between six and 10 to just over two .
21 For the regular force alone , this is a ratio of just over five policemen and women per thousand of population , a proportion which has grown steadily since the troubles began in 1968 , when it stood at just over two ( see Brewer et al .
22 Based on the most serious accident which it was realistically supposed could occur , these plans set the limit of expected evacuation of people living round the Hinkley Point site at just over two miles .
23 But they are ready — just under twenty-five thousand mixed stones , all authentic and valued at just over two million dollars . ’
24 The Stock Exchange one hundred index closed up fifty seven at just over two two O O.
25 But with a third crew , in the shape of a freshmen 's eight , participating for the first time , the race was restarted and the freshmen were beaten by the surviving senior eight by just over two lengths from Putney to Mortlake .
26 John outlived his wife by just over two years , dying on 5 June 1828 .
27 ‘ Gustav 's the younger by just over two years … he was nine when his father died … they moved away from Rostock , went to stay with relatives in the Harz mountains … mother married again and rather faded away , they were brought up mostly by grandparents and aunts .
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