Example sentences of "[prep] have to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because you ai n't never gon na have to be . ’
2 I do n't wan na have to be confronted with that situation much longer and I feel that I 've got to do something , y'know … .
3 I mean we we 're gon na have to , we 're gon na have to be very careful
4 But something 's gon na have to be done though is n't it , Mr ?
5 We 're gon na have to be doing that at the same time .
6 ‘ It 's gon na have to be our last ride , is n't it , Sambo ?
7 Cuts are gon na have to be made .
8 I think Leicester public are gon na have to be a little bit patient with their team .
9 I think , I think that in any , I mean in , in , in , if you wan na , if you wan na look at it in terms I mean I think labour it it 's always gon na have to be there and I think the biological constraints put the you know , sharpened device
10 Our modern parental investment individualistic view would n't allow you to make that error , instead you 'd say you know you 've got ta look at the costs and benefits of the mother too and perhaps there are benefits to mothers in actively testing as it were their offspring , erm rather than just passively er accepting that they 're gon na have to be mothers and gon na have to get on with it and again you see , er I would er and this may have been the big mistake I made last year , er but again I stand by my er view on this and it 's a perfectly defensible one , erm again I think those who say that abortion is unnatural and kind of erm offends against er you know nature , are wrong .
11 This is gon na have to be a general reminder to , a general point to all researchers because they wo n't know that , I 'm sure .
12 You ca n't all be company directors , some of us are gon na have to be shop floor workers are n't we .
13 Well it 's gon na have to be the white .
14 Er the reason we wan na get it right is because er this Superintendent , erm he 's obviously got his interests very much on it , and he 's he 's keen to know what our response is going to be , and if it were just a member of the public I think we could we could being crude I think we could fob 'em off , but I think it 's gon na have to be a very structured answer as to why we 're not gon na do it .
15 it 's gon na have to be erm erm dub dub wurgh wurgh erm tt I can get a delivery on Thursday , I need , we need a delivery on Thursday anyway
16 Oh yeah , I mean , they 're gon na have to be from now on cos we 're not gon na be , you know , we 're gon na be responsible
17 The bird 's gon na have to be ended up on a Sunday dinner somewhere in n it ?
18 It 's gon na have to be .
19 It 's gon na have to be really done tomorrow come on , oi , right come on , say goodnight to , oh up the top
20 He 's the type that you 're gon na have to be firm with Lynn , tell him the only way he 's gon na accept it , is you tell him you just do n't love him
21 Jane 's done sort of a good thing by getting out , but she 's gon na have to be an idiot
22 My o 's gon na be a snake and I go right down look at that that 's the last thing I 'm gon na have to be able to do .
23 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
24 It 's not my day really earlier today I had to admit to being grateful to John Gummer now I 'm gon na have to be .
25 And that 's gon na have to be some of the things that suffer .
26 The only thing is Philip 's gon na have to be careful
27 I think the teachers are gon na have to be there .
28 I think they 're just gon na have to be really , really strict with them .
29 No , I think they 're gon na have to be a bit careful .
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