Example sentences of "[prep] him was that " in BNC.

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1 All we know of him was that he had been involved in RAF mountain rescue in Anglesey , and had quite recently been on a posting in Lincolnshire .
2 The impression I got of him was that he was the world 's most cautious man ( which squares ill with his later reckless behaviour ) ; that he was a man who said nothing ; who had carefully devised a plan of life which rendered the use of words unnecessary except in an emergency such as fire or accident .
3 The only human thing that anybody whispered of him was that his wife , the daughter of the Eighth Earl de la Warr , had had to be divorced for granting bedroom favours to another .
4 The message Fernando Collor de Mello brought with him was that Brazil , where he would take over from President Sarney in mid-March , no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation .
5 The trouble with him was that he was utterly astray here .
6 But what she needed to hear from him was that he found Muriel as off-putting as she did : he certainly did n't like her , Alice knew that .
7 She realised that the strange thing about him was that he was not drunk .
8 But Eubank had only harsh words for Piper saying : ‘ The only thing that impressed me about him was that you could see he was thinking about what he was doing .
9 All I knew about him was that he was someone who belonged to Jean-Claude 's past , and that Jean-Claude was indebted to him .
10 The worst of being in a job which the world regarded as not the right place for him was that the world would not leave him alone .
11 The trouble for him was that this manifesto — ‘ the longest suicide note in history ’ — had also made his party entirely unelectable .
12 The least that can be said for him was that he convinced many that the non-combatants ' interests were worthy of consideration .
13 After reading about this incident in my book the headteacher involved wrote to me saying he felt that teachers do perhaps shout too much but that the issue for him was that the student was a ‘ guest ’ in the school which in turn was a family .
14 What seemed likely to him was that Adam had allowed some undesirable person or persons access to the place and it was these vagrants or hippies — there had been a lot of hippies still about then — were responsible .
15 the main point that I made to him was that after such a superb beginning where , where they actually state how much rubbish we produce , there 's absolutely no mention even though there 's space at the bottom there 's no mention of recycling at all .
16 speaking to him was that erm the place he where he 's recording in Scotland erm tends to have an unusual vocabulary .
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